Under Holder-the-Corrupt and Obama-the-Undocumented,
America supports terrorists, murderers, rapists, and felons
MUCH MORE than any American or any Law.
The gunman was Quadryle Davis. He’s on the school football team. There is also a Tyrone Davis on the team.
Who said that the left wants to leave guns in the hands of violent criminals and take them away from honest, law-abiding non-violent citizens?
He is a truly evil person. He prevented another “Newtown” tragedy that could have been used to ban firearms.</sarc>
if I lived in the area, I’d create a medal for heroism, hold a big banquet, and present this medal to the kid.
A couple of other threads if anyone is interested in reading the comments thereon;
Just another example of the absolute brain-deadness of those that run the government schools in the modern era.
A person who possesses a firearm by virtue of having taken it away from someone else who was using it to threaten another is equally guilty.
All this information is irrelevant. The real question is “How do we get the gunman back on the football team?”.
Courageous student disarms future Obama voter, gets suspended...
Teaching our children not to defend themselves and to be good little victims.
I’m not sure how much longer the insanity of this society can continue.
Terrorized twice. Once by the gun wielding classmate, and once by the bureaucracy. He should wear the bureaucracy’s punishment as a badge of honor, and as a witness to their mindless liberalism.
While this was posted some days ago, I still agree with the school for suspending those students immediately.
Why? For their protection, and the protection of the school.
As an example, let’s say the gunman belonged to a street gang, or had armed friends who got half the story. As well as other kids who are now terrified enough to bring their own guns to school.
So a 72 hour cooling off period sounds like a smashing good idea, as long as it is understood it is without prejudice, that the suspended students will not have it held against them by teachers, etc. It is for their own protection.
It would also be a great idea to have some armed guards at the school, pronto.
If you think about it, the next few days at that school is going to be a wash, anyway, because of gossip & rumor, increased stress, arguments about guns in schools, counseling etc.