During the interview, the doctor makes some newsworthy comments regarding the 2nd Amendment. It's another example of how hard it is to find a candidate that's agreeable to everyone.
Sounds like someone should form a conservative CPAC! LOL
The meaning of “republican” has already been changed, if we allow “conservative” to be redefined the game is over.
And this sort of cultural moderation from Carson is precisely why i find him yet another flash in the pan minority who utters a few conservative paragraphs and stupid knee jerk racial redress conservatives like Hannity and plenty here act like a fat girl who just got asked to prom
Freepers fall for this over and over
A minority candidate..however ideologically soft.....will carry minorities
No...it will not
Here in TN a white ultra liberal Jew beat a black conservative in a nearly all black district for Congress....Cohen
I think whites who kneejerk over this only know Cosby blacks...or none at. All
Not me obviously....all my life as a minority white or at least as merely. A tentative majority
Only true well known black conservative i know.....Clarence Thomas....West is ok....but mercurial
Some lesser knowns out there.....that judge lady Bush should have nominated over Souterish Roberts......
Ditto latinos.....Cruz maybe....Rubio...no.....and both are what Indian Mexicans would consider white....both are Canary island origin I guess
Orientals.....Michelle Malkin is top notch and she links sites they don't allow. Here that i like
So yes....i have supported minority. Candidates but there are precious few and i don't support them any more for being non white or female
I find that so tedious
The big tent approach will actually make a smaller base. You’re not going to win elections by driving out social conservatives. We don’t need two liberal parties. Suspect the Republican party will fail miserably going down this road.
The people who think ignoring social issues (going liberal) is going to make the tent bigger are blithering idiots
How is he a candidate? He makes one good speech and already the Pathetic Party nutroots want him to run?
We need to separate the wheat from the chaff.
i find it ironic that the only ones seemingly “excluded” from this CPAC, are conservatives and conservatism, itself.
it’s a bit of a laugh when i read “journalists” opining about us believers and our philosophy, conservatism—i.e. based on the very ground and bedrock of Truth, God Himself—as mere “social issues” or “cultural barnicles.” but i keep forgetting, we’re not conservatives, we’re “social conservatives.”
it makes sense that “journalism,” which after all is just the exploitation of human suffering for personal gain, would have to oppose the Truth, wouldn’t it? for the journalist, human suffering has to have many fathers to be profitable; for us it has one, that would be boring old sin.
Republicans forming another circular firing squad while Obama releases 700 pages of Obamacare regulations designed to destroy healthcare in this country.
It's not a "truce" when only ONE side stops fighting!
It's an unconditional SURRENDER!
The “ship of state” is the Titanic. God is the Iceberg. The so-called “barnacles” are not the “cultural issues” but are the idiots crewing the ship!
The view from my aussie window is that the Republican party is becoming the right wing of the democrat party. Some of you yanks might take offense at an aussie giving his opinions about the politics of a country he doesn’t live in. All I can say is that I loved guys like John Wayne and the late General Norman Schwarzkopf. Not because they were tough guys. I loved them because they were authentically something else. They represented the rugged individual and the embodiement of the American reaction to European centralisation tendencies. They held their heads high as Americans and weren’t wont to apologise for that. I have to believe that for all America’s faults and contradictions it can and must become that light on the hill again. A country of thrift, enterprise and personal responsibility that is its destiny. Alas that mantle won’t be recovered by adopting the social policies of the greco-roman left aka European socialism.
The mentally diseased perverts vote 99% demrat regardless if they label themselves GOP. Never submit to the queer con.
At this point I don’t think it matters any longer who CPAC invites or doesn’t invite. CPAC has levered itself out of the Conservative stream and over into the Republican cesspool. ACU is making the same moves. Soon the word Conservative will mean, in common parlance, what Republican means now- squishy center/left not organizational Democrats but taking their lead from the Democrats.
The guy seems to be to the left of Colin Powell, and IMO we shouldn’t make our usual mistake of rushing to promote any minority we can fashion into a conservative icon when he/she isn’t really much of a conservative.
Back in the days when I cared about CPAC, I would have been in favor of Christie showing up just to watch him get booed off the stage.
Now, though, I don’t really care what goes on there. The thing is rancid with appeasement Republicans, and even a minute spent stressing over what Republicans are doing is a waste of time.
I used to be amazed, but now I’m just amused, by people who use the words Conservative and Republican interchangeably.
CPAC is turning RINO.
Dr. Carson is a good spokesman for a lot of conservative values. However, I was not ready to hop on to the presidential band wagon some folks want to flag off.
So CPAC has turned away Pamela Gellar. .freaks