Umm yes I do. However with the plethora of new diseases that have happened since the late 40’s/50’s. Fibromyalgia, CFS, Lyme disease, the increase in Alzheimer’s and ALS ( both have run in the genetic pool) I believe that as my favorite GP of 50 years claimed years ago... “when they started making plastics and screwing around with food, I knew that there would be BIG problems”.
Happy High Fructose corn syrup to you and oh by the way, they are treating your cold cuts with silicone to allegedly prevent lysteria. God did not intend for your body to ingest these substances, but feel free to go on eating them.
Love Conservatism but believe that at our core, we need to go back to the basics.
Sorry that we disagree.
Who uses sugar in any form or cold cuts? Geez! ~ bringing you all up todate, it’s in our genes. That meant it was in there long before plastics or silicon cookware!