HEAR THAT!!! They gotta ‘swear’ they’ll follow the rules...just like they’ve been ‘following the rules’ (NOT), their entire lives.
Oregon’s entire government structure is dominated by liberals, who I have watched over 50 years come into this state, not for it’s beauty and culture, not for what it was when they got here, welcomed by we rubes, but to CHANGE IT! Just like the current crop of illegal aliens...they don’t accept our laws or culture and they ARE changing it!
ALL CULTURES ARE NOT CREATED EQUAL! I can tell you this was a better place before big city liberals invaded and changed OUR HOME and CULTURE and LIVES!
IMPOVERISHED THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES W/ PRESSURE GROUPS IN THE US (here illegally): Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico (stateside), Salvador, Spain, Uruguay, Venezuela.
These impoverished countries have cunningly determined that amnestizing their pressure groups on US soil forces vote-crazed US politicians to handover zillions in foreign aid. The financial benefits politicians derive from these issues are huge--establishing a permanent Dem majority of Third World "pressure groups" exchanging votes at the ballot box for foreign aid.
Chain immigration is a horrific result of amnesty. All the old folks plus the extended family back home----will invade---salivating at the thought of gorging on US benefits.
REFERENCE Citizenship for young illegals triggers chain migration of extended families. The Washington Times | Feb 15, 2013 Editorial Entitlement spending and immigration are two issues that threaten Americas financial future. The two controversies meet in the case of the newly arrived elderly, many of whom have discovered they can cash in on an overly generous welfare system.
The scam is simple. Senior immigrants typically live with their foreign-born adult children who already have gained their US citizenship. After five years of green-card status, the parents can apply for citizenship.
From 2000 through 2011, about a million persons aged 60 or over were granted citizenship, accounting for about 13 percent of total naturalizations. Often, the immigrant children are highly educated and quite well off, living in upscale homes and driving expensive cars.
Their elderly parents standard of living is often well above that of most Americans, thanks to their childrens success. The only factor considered is income, and language and distance barriers render it nearly impossible for U.S. authorities to verify whether they have income in their home country.
Medicaid for recent, elderly immigrants is practically a given. They frequently take advantage of Section 8 housing benefits, which can provide an extra place to stay on weekends after keeping an eye on the grandkids during the weekdays.
Elderly illegals crowd waiting lists for Section 8 housing to the extent that the lists get closed to new applicants, resulting in a particularly perverse outcome: Many of those shut out are genuinely poor. (Excerpt) Read more at washingtontimes.com ...