The only reason we’re importing anything is due to overregulation and overtaxation for domestic production (the deal that FDR cut with the House of Saud notwithstanding, in regards to oil). We have not built a new refinery here since 1976, and all due to the “environmentalist” Gaia-worshipers on the left.
And the days of our enemies buying T-bills from us are coming to an end. That was part of the means to the end of making the USA collapse. If you don’t believe that, then look at how they are talking.
You're oversimplifying this. Things like over-regulation and over-taxation are just two elements of many, many things that drive up costs here in the U.S. Regardless of what is involved in making the cost to manufacture something in the U.S. $X, as opposed to some fraction of $X elsewhere, the point is that these costs are real.
A cost item is a cost item. Any intelligent business owner will seek to reduce costs to the extent possible.