You don't know and don't care about Framer's legislature of two houses derived from different sources. They were well aware of corrupt men and our government was designed to divide them such that competing interests were played against one another. We are in big trouble today precisely because both houses are popularly derived and Senators play to the fears and demands of the mob just like Congressmen.
There is no basis for rational argument with you. Go play with your puppetmasters and whatever your bossism is.
Again, when your points of what YOU believe will occur if the 17th is repealed run smack into the points of the actual political realities of the present, you get upset and stomp off. I have reviewed the proposals presented by your side earnestly, and I’m telling you they will do nothing to stop the present course of action in DC, but will, in fact, make things even worse. That you have this blind trust in state legislators as paragons of virtue to restore the Republic to the framers intent is appallingly naive.
Put it simply, it goes without saying I don’t trust Democrats voting for me (which I’m stuck with now at the legislative level), I also similarly don’t trust Republicans voting for me, either.