Substituting the word “they” for the word “crooks” would make this poem equally applicable to government agents, who represent crooks anyway. :(
Background checks could be gun control deal breaker, ez wrote:
Substituting the word they for the word crooks would make this poem equally applicable to government agents, who represent crooks anyway. :(
Whatever floats your boat and gets their goat.
Actually thought of using it but in certain groups and areas may not go over some of the guys in pointy hats (bishops) might not like it .... . Instead of offering a set design and hope the copy is kept. The object is to have it appear ir’s comming from the bottom up not from one central source and hopefully showing up all over the country. That scares the hell out of the powers that be including believe it or not the media. Besides as you say and I also thought of it. The word crooks does apply to to too many of them.
Also I could have signed it pushed my website etc etc but I’m most interested in to get a movement going rather than feeding my ego.