The fact that Obama abuses power in no way proves your particular theory true. Facts are needed for that. You are making the classic conspirazoid mistake of mistaking your opinions for facts. And worse, there is no politically cynical rational reason for Obama to be doing many of the things you think he is doing to Rangel, Waters and Menendez.
The fact that Obama abuses power in no way proves your particular theory true>>>>>>>>>>>
Since when was this forum a court of law? You pretend to be judge and jury? Buahahahahaha.
This is a place where ideas are bandied about. We have a Teflon president. He is a thug. He wins via character assassination, and no one fights him.
We have seen smut raking take down people who were administrative or political enemies of Obama. The FBI is being used to destroy Menendez......along with leaks from the FBI investigators.The FBI was used to destroy Patreus
with investigation and leaks from them as well.
Now either you are as naive as a democrat lead fart, or unwilling to understand how hardball politics are being played in Washington between a president who hates Congress and refuses to compromise on his Utopian fascist agenda
to remake America, or you are shopping for a bridge in Brooklyn. The people do not want a remake of America. We are at war with our own government.
Now if you have a better idea as to why the timing on Menendez and his completely uncontrollable libido (which was no issue for years?)is just before he is named as the head of the Senate Foreign Relations comittee, an anti Castro, anti-communist Latino obstacle to Obama’s international America surrender plan, then you better spit it out.
You are wasting your time denegrtating me or my ideas.
Menenedez is no friend of Obamas. I want to see some due process, not a snow job, press vilification, and a resignation. Unlike you I want to know WTF is going on.