Let us appoint a commission and evaluate all possible unhealthy lifestyle choices. You might choose to live in Tornado Alley near railroad tracks, a factory or along the Gulf of Mexico. Maybe you watch TV more than read or wear non-hypo-allergenic makeup. Maybe your exercise habits need to be monitored to determine if it is adequate. Maybe your eating bleached flour rather than whole wheat flour. Maybe you’re drinking non-organic milk or drinking from plastic bottles rather than glass.
Maybe you’re not eating enough cabbage or getting enough sleep. Maybe you don’t do Michelle Obama’s regular purges. Maybe you worry too much. Maybe you live with people who don’t cover their face when they sneeze. Maybe your pants are too tight or you wear high heels. Maybe the botox treatments don’t allow your eyelids to properly close, or maybe your lying is causing your eyelids to blink too much. Maybe you don’t go to the bathroom soon enough after coitus. Maybe you have coitus too frequently or too seldom. Maybe you don’t take power naps every day. Maybe you let your toenails grow too long before trimming.
For all these and many other instances of negligence or sloth - you shall die!
Better yet.. from today forward everyone will be issued a 500 square foot apartment with no windows so you won’t be able to hurt yourself by jumping out. We will provide you with government approved furniture so you don’t have to worry about product defects. Your food will be provided according to national health standards. Media will be provided for you so you don’t have to worry about seeing offensive material. A job will be provided at a set wage regardless of your skill so you don’t have to compete with co-workers. Health care will be free as long as you are able to contribute to our society. After useful age, a panel will determine your date of death so you have time to wrap everything up before you leave.
You can live in our world completely free from any choices. You are free to live without having to worry about making bad decisions that will destroy your life. We will care for you.