Every taxpayer IS paying higher taxes, you dumba$$!
Too late for that.
Tried it in the first term and got rolled every time.
Time to push back on each and every damn thing. Every time!
You don't see a dam holding back a lake by picking and choosing its battles. It defends along the entire front, all the time.
That's what the GOP needs to do now, to prevent the wave of tyrannical government from washing over us all.
I'd be happy as a clam if they'd pick a SINGLE fight and fight it like they mean it. My God, we own the house (for now)...act like we own it for once. Quit rolling over.
Gun control.
They need to pick a fight with Obama every day, over every thing that comes along. Of course, that’s called standing and fighting, and that is something the GOP-E will never do, because they agree with the Left.
Republicans are like drunks. They take a “shot of courage” now and then, and talk big but in the morning they are right back to their normal pathetic condition of being timid and accomodating.
Perversely, the GOP-e did however take a pretty tough stance against the Tea Party and dissed them at every opportunity. The Dems get more respect than the Tea Party.
Scott Walker is a rare example of political courage. Too bad the rest of the Stupid Party doesn’t make an effort to emulate him.
While I am not happy with Ryans current back seat driving I do not think he divided the party.
To the contrary, I think he was the fellow that got us energized during the last election cycle.
That said, he needs to step it up a notch rather than ratcheting it down.
Take chances Paul, make mistakes, get your damn hands dirty.
Above all, FIGHT!
The deal signed was not terrible, considering a Harry Reid Senate and wacko leftist White House. A lot of the tax rates of the early 2000s are permanently intact, including the 15% capital gains rate.
I do have serious problems with the weakness we constantly create for our side in these arguments. Our leaders do not use the opportunity to advance our ideas, or to damage our opposition. No mention of all the Obamacare taxes that kicked in. No discussion tying our pathetic economic growth to government largess. Our leadership stinks.
1) When is the first fight?
2)How come the RINOs always want and expect unity from conservatives, but when conservatives want unity from RINOs we get a scorched earth policy?
Mr. PX90 can bite me.
This very statement demonstrates that the GOP is utterly ignorant, inept, and worthless. A simple examination of everything the jug-eared moron POS has done shows that his intent is to destroy our freedom, punish the successful, and "transform" this country into a socialist toilet. EVERYTHING THIS POS pRESIDENT ATTEMPTS TO DO SHOULD BE FOUGHT, you $hit for brains!
“Stay united?” After the past two years of the beltway GOP-E leadership doing everything in its damned power to trash and basically kneecap the tea-party, the grassroots, Palin, the Paulbots, the socons, and anyone else that actually DID stand up to Obama and the assault by his media minions? While they themselves grovel, cowtow, and repeatedly fold under the slightest pressure?
The GOP-E can go burn in hell!
How about starting with hussein’s eligibility?
Ryan, when all you can do is lose, you had best fight every chance you get on the off chance thatyou will improve your skills and perhaps even win one.
The GOP ****ing sucks, and little girly men like you are part of the problem.
What you need to understand is that you and your party are about to extinct yourselves.
He is correct. Pure opposition for the sake of being contrary is viewed as petty by most middling voters.
Of course, we don’t have to “fight” to disagree.
Nah...Rubio, Ryan, and the rest of the GOP are too busy trying to screw the taxPayers by finding a way to give amnesty to a bunch of illegals. Those new entitlements will do wonders for the country!
Paul Ryan:
“Ryan says GOP need to pick its fights with Obama”
Mr. Ryan, they seem to be having a lot of trouble making up their minds about which fights to pick — indeed, they have yet to choose one.
Better suggestion:
“The GOP needs to pick its retreats from Obama”.
They have no trouble doing that — they pick every one they see!
After FOUR YEARS of not picking fights, I imagine that the Republican RINOs will just insist that after FOUR MORE YEARS they will be ready to pick fights, especially after they lose the mid-term elections “because we were not inclusive enough”.
I’m starting to think that political OCD and the inability to detect patterns is not limited to just liberal Democrats, to to RINOs as well.
“Don’t worry, as soon as the country is in ruins, bankrupt, with millions starving in the streets, riots, and the constitution utterly trashed, we will start to get together to fight against the liberals. Or at least we will form a pre-committee to consider when to hold the meeting.”
They sure do not fear to pick fights with conservatives... so convenient a irony he talks about not fighting when he is right now fighting against conservatives and fibbing.
His yeah and nay should be just that, yeah and nay, and not try to explain it or attack others because of them, CYA style.
The first step in picking a fight is showing up for one and following through, otherwise it’s just more GOP candy ass smack talk.