Do we the people have representation in the House? Our only hope, the GOP, can’t seem to stop or even slow the monster growing in DC.
It seems like I must say to the GOP, that I’m not fooled by foolery:
Every single thing DC does requires you to be a part of it. I know that all you have to do is vote for what should be passed and vote against what should not be passed.
You could have and can simply defund the _health_care_act_ and you should not be refunding USG with more debt at all.
USG, an ex-republic, has become an unconstitutional democracy and is clearly:
a government gone wild.
“Our only hope, the GOP, cant seem to stop or even slow the monster growing in DC.”
I suggest re-examining your premises. The Vichy gop has no interest in stopping or slowing anything. They profit from the current “arrangement” and we’re fools if we think they’ll do anything that endangers that.
This is a one party system, and the Vichy gop wing of that one party has it’s part to play in keeping conservatives relatively quiet and complacent.