huh. finally
She’s gonna end up in a certain park.
Excellent questions!
Too late - sorry no sale.
Hillary will reveal NOTHING!
Benghazi was designed to allow the kidnapped ambassador to be traded for the blind sheik.
The ex-CIA security wasnt supposed to be there shooting at the would be kidnappers.
Of all the questions Sharyl has, which are not explained by my scenario above?
"Is the Administration revising the applicable Presidential directive? If so, please explain."
Oh, yes. PLEASE will get you...just what you have gotten.
Anyone wanting on or off this ping list, please advise.
Team Obama - Biden are good with that.
I’m watching the hearings with HRC on C-SPAN 3 but her constant ‘listening tour’ bobble-heading is darn annoying.
Better late than never. This needs to be covered especially now with the Algeria terror attacks occurring so close to the Libyan border. The same AQ factions were involved in both incidents. We know the administration was asleep at the switch on Bengazi. A key question I’d ask is why they were still asleep allowing the Algeria hostage situation to happen? Where is obama on this? It’s almost as though it never happened.
The Regime is never going to tell the truth on Benghazi, just as they won’t on F & F. Evenutually someone like Sharyl will get to the bottom of it and figure it all out ... probably well after Barry Benghazi is playing with his balls (golf) full time in Hawaii and the Obamanists/Enemedia aren’t in full cover-up mode to protect their darling boy.
Sharyl Attkisson is also one of the few who has been pursuing the “Fast and Furious” story.
The Committee should hire Sheryll Attkinson to question Hillary for them.
Instead, here is the likely agenda for each Congressional Rep’s 15 minute inquisition:
5 minutes: solicitude for Ms. Clinton good health;
1 minute: probing questions like: “Isn’t this whole Libya and Benghazi matter just one of those things?;
3 minutes: Ms. Clinton dodging said questions with “Aw shucks, I wish I could remember, but you’ll have to ask someone else about that”;
1 minute on final question, “May we grovel in fear and worship you as a god? Yes?”
5 minutes thanking Ms. Clinton for her brilliant, courageous, heroic, ground-breaking historic service, helpful testimony, and permission to grovel.