Public school products.
I am a stranger in a strange land.
Including most of the members of my church.
This last election was gift-wrapped for the GOP according to all the polls. Two things went wrong (abortion and fraud) and it isn’t possible to say which was the more major. But given that the three GOP senate candidates (Allen, Mourdock, and Atkin) who made any sort of an issue about abortion all got killed, the GOP has no other safe assumption than that it needs to leave the abortion issue alone.
Conservatives don’t abort their children. Liberals do. Why should we stop them?
Apparently we have indeed reached the tipping point - this country is a far cry from the Great Nation I remember from by childhood and early adulthood.
Given the election results last November, this is hardly surprising. Can we PLEASE dispense with the fiction that this is still “a center-right nation”. The current occupant of the WH is a dedicated hard Leftist along the same lines as Hugo Chavez. A center-right nation wouldn’t elect such a person dog catcher let alone anything else.
They need to poll outside of their news rooms.
At best you could make it a state’s right case. At *best*. And a few might actually ban it. A national ban will never EVER happen. It’s going to start costing more and more elections. I don’t like abortion, but if you gotta make a fight out of it, I say move to a country that bans it or try to make it a state thing.
I think the odds of it being even up to any state in the next 100 years is 5% or less and shrinking all the time.
Before I totally give up, I’d like to see a more trustworthy poll on this, as it is a National Barak Channel poll (1000 adults).
The timing of the release of this poll is not mere happenstance. The 40th anniversary of Roe vs Wade and the annual March for Life in Washington on January 25th will be large and enthusiastic. The MSM propaganda in the form of a poll is intended to marginalize those who believe life begins at conception and should be protected.
I neither believe or come anywhere near trusting this poll. The prevelance of people who stand AGAINST abortion has done nothing but grow over the last decade. I seriously believe this is fabrication.
SHeaahhh right, lying commies. No one else stands where President Obama stands on this issue except Mengele.
What percentage of Americans supported the institution of slavery, with the remark “don’t personally want one but...”.
There is right. There is wrong. There is no “the public prefers...”.
Why disguise the issue of WHEN LIFE BEGINS since scientists are so damned excited about discovering how LIFE BEGAN many millions of years ago? They have observable data for conception to crying baby. They deny the evidence.
We’re aborting the wrong ones? 54%?
The other part of this has to be, in my opinion, strong efforts to characterize those who use abortion as a means of birth control as highly irresponsible and selfish, instead of as victims - which is how the MSM and progressives (including Obama) characterize them. Just like Holder's comment about making gun ownership ‘uncool’, like ‘smokers herded together outside’, we need to characterize this kind of selfish and irresponsible lifestyle for what it is. You have to start somewhere, and so I would focus on those who have had recurrent abortions and use it as a means of birth control.
The progress that science has made, 3-D and 4-D images from the womb, conception to birth visualized, has definitively proved Life for all to see.
So we’ve finally trained our young ladies to be B’s and hoe’s.
Hard to believe we’ve gone from a 4% illegitimate birth rate to over 40% in my lifetime. And the 4% was BEFORE RoeWade, when abortions were not commonly available. So abortion has not solved unplanned pregnancy. Rather the new secular morality which espouses both abortion and sexual ‘liberation’ has led to a society where nearly half of all children are born out of wedlock, raised by a single mother on government support.
How exactly will society function when half the population was raised in this manner; without work ethic, dependent on government handouts, and without a father for moral guidance? Will the other half work twice as hard to support these crime prone vagabonds through redistributive taxation? And why should we be surprised when these morally bankrupt government dependents vote for the welfare king, Barack I?
God help our children, because the United States as we know it has ceased to exist.