Yes..... or at least on three alternate days.
The fact is, there is little mail. The business use has dwindled . Private mail communication is almost non existent.
The need for what you describe simply doesn’t exist in the manner it once did.
(1) Business to customer. You see that delivered every day.
(2) Customer to business. You probably never see that since most business that deal big time in mail send a truck over to pick up their mail at the back platform. Carriers don't handle that part.
(3) Then, there's business to business. That consists of things that need to be mailed ~ usually with signatures on them! Much of it simply confirms previous agreements made by phone or other electronic communication. That's been the case for well over 100 years!
Most weekday delivery to retail or other businesses is little different from what householders get ~ many advertisements mixed with a variety of business related pieces, and nasty letters from lawyers. Without lawyers ........... well, you figure that out.
The current problem is a consequence of the Great Obama Recession. Once he figures out that he's the problem and gets out the way, mail volumes will increase.