To: Tench_Coxe
This does nothing but to increase my resolve to buy even more ammunition on a regular cash-basis as long as that is still an option.
The author claims that this California ‘official’ thinks the lifetime of a bullet is only ‘days’ ......he could not be more wrong.
3 posted on
01/20/2013 7:57:26 AM PST by
To: Gaffer
I have ammo in airtight boxes from 1970 that still works fine, besides if killing is the object, my prison career has taught me up close and personal with edged weapons is much easier and hard to track. They don't tell you the numbers of criminal that have been corrected by edged weapons in jails and prisons without finding the perpetrator, all they officially know is that they are contained in a certain area. FYI
12 posted on
01/20/2013 8:09:55 AM PST by
(Leavenworth hard time)
To: Gaffer
Hand load and you can save money too.
14 posted on
01/20/2013 8:14:03 AM PST by
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