I am coaching my children to not talk about guns we own, keep in the house, shoot, etc.
They are to say to doctor or anyone else if asked, “I don’t know. You should ask my parents.”
I am coaching my children to not talk about guns we own, keep in the house, shoot, etc.
They are to say to doctor or anyone else if asked, “I don’t know. You should ask my parents.”
As a doctor I can tell you that 99% of us will not ask this and check to see if you answered it on some form the government makes you fill out. What a joke.
Some of us already do this though probably not in the way Obama would like. Speaking of Obama, he looked like a man that knows he’s been beaten today. He knows his precious gun control agenda is going nowhere now and the backlash is just getting warmed up. FUBO.
Don’t be so arrogant. Lead poisoning is real and can be quite deadly....
You know all those ‘studies’ that say we lag behind the world in healthcare?
The USA scores so low, because acces to guns gets low marks in these studies.
This is all a setup, for gun grabbers to institute gun control, not through congress but through HHS regulations, as authorized by the Obamacare act.
Slowly, the notion of health and guns will creep into our lexicon. Listen closely to the words chosen by politicians and media....and useful idiot companies like Kaiser Permanente.
This is only going to make the problem of mass shootings worse - if as many suspect what is really needed to improve the situation is better available mental health care for the seriously disturbed - it’s already the law in many states that mental health counselors must report anyone they strongly suspect of intending to harm themselves or others to “the authorities” (usually the police or other family members). This alone places them in conflict with their duty as counselors to maintain the confidentiality of what is said between themselves and their patients. In the name of full disclosure then it has become the rule, if not the law in many states, to inform the patient at the beginning of therapy that the therapist must warn others if the patient admits or reveals that he might hurt himself or soneone else. In fact this can’t help but encourage those who might otherwise want to talk about their impulses and intentions and perhaps deal with them more appropriately to avoid help and probably lead to more violence - and this doesn’t even begin to cover the damage done to the mentally ill in stimatizing them as dangerous, just when such stimatization had been diminishing - as usual libs will be making the problem worse......
Doctors are becoming deputized gestapo informers. If you go out target shooting on Sunday, go to the doctor on Monday and mention it, it’ll be in your record.
On another visit, if you say that you don’t know how much longer you can stand the flu, that’ll be in your record and they will come to seize the guns.
About 15 years ago, my daughter’s pediatrician asked my if we had guns in the house. I told him gun ownership was none of his business and we left, I never paid him for the visit and we changed to a different doctor.
I think Obama figured out from his studies that Stalin’s mistake was that doctors were particularly persecuted too late (The Doctor’s Plot).
So Obama decided to persecute Doctors first.
I have not forgotten that some healthcare providers belong to unions. How convenient.
You are far more likely to be injured or killed from medical malpractice than you are with a gun.
Do not ever admit to anyone in the medical profession that you ever feel anything other than normal mentally. Do not ever let them know you have weapons of any sort. If you do, you will be recorded and you will be one of the first to lose your rights, or lose your life fighting for those rights.
Pretty soon we will all be talking like lawyers: “Doctor, I respect your 1st Amendment rights, but in order to protect my 2nd Amendment rights I exercise my 5th Amendment rights.”
About as smart as Gun & Ammo magazine running articles on medicine and surgery.