Doctors are becoming deputized gestapo informers. If you go out target shooting on Sunday, go to the doctor on Monday and mention it, it’ll be in your record.
On another visit, if you say that you don’t know how much longer you can stand the flu, that’ll be in your record and they will come to seize the guns.
That’s the way gubmint works. They’re always expanding. Sometimes in giant strides like passing Obamacare, more often by push, push, pushing where they already have a little penetration. There are all these little points of contact between the individual and the state, and they manage always to maximize the amount of impact they have through them, no matter how modestly they began.
So government builds roads. It stands to reason they should be able to police them. We don’t want them interrupting us willy-nilly, but also don’t want cars to be like homes. Can’t get a warrant in time to be useful. Hence cops are in constant contact with regular citizens for mundane reasons. They use this opportunity to ask you stupid questions, but also to run your id through a computer. To always run you through the gubmint database. Because this is their chance to catch you, no matter all you did was drive a little too fast. Or not even that, if it’s a checkpoint and they don’t even need probable cause.
Then there’s the census, which constitutionally only needs to know how many people live with you and maybe a couple other things. But this is their foot in the door to get precious information. Their chance to adjust properly the Welfare State to the people’s needs, or rather gives them an excuse to shove more welfare down our throats. They ask such ridiculous questions, for such seemingly useless information, and pretend like those who refuse to answer are criminals.
Then there’s the doctor’s office, and I don’t know where to start. It’s just a panopoly of information they pry out of you, and soon there won’t be any such thing as privacy. Here they don’t even try to mitigate it, as traffic nosiness restricts itself as I said to when they have reason to pull you over or when they have set up a checkpoint, or the census which only happens once a decade.