I agree with your sentiment and your passion, but I think you greatly overestimate how much opposition he will get from his own supporters. DemocRats are DemocRats, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and last and the Constitution be damned unless it is to advance deviancy in every form. Don’t look for Dems in the foxhole next to you on this one.
God help us :)
You need to watch
Run, and you’ll live. But dying in your beds, many years from now- would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, to come back here and tell our enemies: You may take our lives, but you will never take our FREEDOM!- William Wallace, Braveheart
Thank you..
My hope is that Bidden was speaking from ignorance ..otherwise this is getting way out of hand
God help us.
Obama May Use Executive Order to Grab Guns, Warns Biden
Back when they passed the Brady bill I knew this day would certainly come. They knew that females (not all of them but a huge majority of them) were horrified by a piece of steel that shot bullets, even if was unloaded or taken apart. It was the same baseless unbridled fear they have of bugs, lizards and snakes.
The Communist knew this and capitalized upon women fears and convinced them that they (communists) would control the bad things in their life like guns, raising children, being feminine etc...and the women went for it like a duck chasing a June bug. Now, we have added to the hysterical scared women....queers (male humans who were once men) who also act exactly like women in every respect (but take turns).
What it comes down to, no one is going to impeach Obama or his minions simply because he is violating the Constitution to protect ourselves against law abiding citizens in the name of overthrowing the American government without firing a shot.
However, I do know who will be firing shots if they ignore the Constitution and take our liberties away. I plan to take as many to the promised land (for them, North Korea) as I can. At least I will die while I’m still free.
Obama WANTS a civil war or similar emergency. It is what he has been striving for all the while, In the chaos that results the Marxists hope to impose their totalitarian system on the nation.
please everyone words mean things.
rebellion is unlawful action against lawful government.
revolution is lawful action against unlawful government.
if you have to keep it straight, the Founders led a revolution. the crown - the other side - may have considered them rebels, but they were revolting against unjust/unlawful government.
Our enemy is not Obama and his supporters, it is the compliant press who refuse to point out this mad man’s policies and goals! The first shots fired in protest will lead to martial law and make him ruler for life.
Sorry, carlo3b.
This is a rant. Put down the whiskey bottle before the traitors in the Secret Service come and haul you away. Conservatives have in no way, no fashion or in any means organized themselves enough to rescue you from Buckwheat’s gulag.
The entity that is behind these not so random shootings will try a third time its the charm event. The theater shooting got interest, Sandy hook got more interest.
The sum of the endeavor is to generate the highest outrage so as to shock America into gun ownership shame.
Just what would it require to absolutely energize the overwhelming majority of citizens?
Apparently even the deaths of small children did not have enough shock.
So another event must be coordinated. The only way to disarm the people is if the people disarm themselves.
My guess is an upcoming sports event, the Superbowl or the Daytona 500.
Or a theme park like Disneyland, but since the higher positions of power in America has been infiltrated by Islamic operatives I could venture to say they may stage a mass Mosque shooting by radical right wing Christian Tea Party NRA members. Islam can very well sacrifice its own for the goal of world dominance.
2AR or The Second American Revolution is being called upon to restore America to a proper legal direction and leadership. Its time to make a coordinated strong armed stand to expunge the infiltration of foreign influence in our nations capitol and the illegal use of power gained illegally, not once but twice illegally elected and maybe soon to be placed there for life.
The Second Amendment is our license to enforce it, shortly soon we must elect local militia leadership and initiate training. I expect there will be certain neighborhoods that will refuse to be armed, trained or even ordered on how and where to assemble.
We shall indeed supply arms and arms training, to mandate the requirements of each person eligible to be armed such as in Switzerland, many will object and will refuse instead preferring the leftist agenda of nobody having any counter weapons to thwart a dictatorship, these individuals may need to be relocated to temporary internment camps for their own safety for their families until hostilities cease and the proper legal government is restored.
For any doubters :Google “massacres and anti-depressants”
Maybe it’s time for Freepers to march on DC again.
I’m sure we could get at least another couple of groups to join us—and I’d almost bet we could get the TEA partiers to jump in.....