Posted on 01/01/2013 5:35:46 PM PST by wesagain
Iranian scientists, working under orders from the radicals running the Islamic regime, have genetically altered microbial agents in a nightmarish scheme to bring the West to its knees.
According to a source in the Revolutionary Guards intelligence unit with knowledge of Irans microbial research and development, the scientists, with Russian and North Korean help, currently possess eight extremely dangerous microbial agents that, if unleashed, could kill millions of people.
As reported exclusively on WND on Dec. 16, the source revealed the existence of a plant in Marzanabad, Iran, where 12 Russian and 28 Iranian scientists are working on microbial agents for bombs. At that time, the source disclosed that Iran was working on 18 agents, with four completed. He has now provided information that with work at two other plants, Iran has created a total of eight microbial agents, with research on insects to be used as the vector to infect the societies of its enemies.
The eight agents are anthrax, encephalitis (the blueprint of this virus, Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis, was provided by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez in an agreement two years ago with the Islamic regime), yellow grain (developed with the help of North Korea), SARS, Ebola, cholera, smallpox and plague.
Iran, with North Koreas help, has genetically altered the smallpox virus that makes current vaccinations useless against it. And research at two facilities that act as drug companies but are fronts for the deadly research shows insects can .........
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Long past EMP time for these diaper headed squat-shi&&ers!
it would be a shame if a tactical nuke accidentally went off in that complex.
Uh.....sorry, this will sound pornographically conspiratorial, but I’d sooner say Morocco Bomber himself would do this to us than those guys...
Sorry, wrath of F&F/Bengazi etc etc etc etc etc.
Yep......let us pray.
Looks like we picked the wrong decade to quit having a trustworthy Presdient.
Why, if this were allowed to happen, it would fundamentally transform America . . .
So how are they going to protect themselves from their own creations?
“... Suicide is painless, it brings on many changes...” MASH theme song.
Exactly, disease knows no borders.
I thought all samples of smallpox virus had been destroyed.
Who needs microbiological agents when you’ve got Obama?
What about a deadly virus that limits itself to the District of Columbia?
WorldNutDaily entertainment for later....
" Flush the bombers, get the subs in launch mode. We are at DEFCON 1. "
Get the ICBMS warmed up in the bull pen ready to fly loved that movie
Countries like Iran take out their loser status on the rest of us by wallowing in creepy pride about an ability to destroy - as if somehow that's the equal of builders and creators... What idiots. Losers.
Nope we have some and so do the Russians, but that’s what has been admitted to. I think I read that you could dig up graves of those who died of Small Pox and eventually find viable virus particles then grow it. The Russians at one time had dispersed weaponized Small Pox to different armouries around the country. Who knows if they got all of it back into a single location. Russia is also a kleptocracy so who knows if some of it hasn’t been soldfir enough money and to which of their allies they gave the stuff to during the cold war.
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