So when you buy that shirt for $4.99, you might want to think about who made it.
To: PanzerKardinal
I'd bet the clothes on my back that the letter is authentic.I'd also make the same wager that that's the lot of the overwhelming majority of China's workers...China's people.Yes,there are 500 billionaires and 100,000 millionaires in China today but I've been there...recently.In fact,I've been to the one of the most prosperous parts of the country,the region within an hour or so of Hong Kong and my travels suggest to me that,even there,the huge majority of people live like animals.
I always look at a product's country of origin before I buy and I often,but not always,say "no" to Chinese made goods.
2 posted on
12/28/2012 7:13:45 PM PST by
Gay State Conservative
(When Robbing Peter To Pay Paul,One Can Always Count On Paul's Cooperation)
To: PanzerKardinal
Ice Homeland Security looking into it? They can’t even keep the illegals from walking across our borders. They are not even the right agency, it’s not our country.
3 posted on
12/28/2012 7:31:10 PM PST by
To: PanzerKardinal
I’m massively skeptical of this.
4 posted on
12/28/2012 7:38:04 PM PST by
(If Allah is so great, why does he need fat sexually confused fanboys to do his dirty work? -iowahawk)
To: Cringing Negativism Network
5 posted on
12/28/2012 7:42:10 PM PST by
(We Baby Boomers are croaking in an avalanche of rotten politics smelled around the planet.)
To: PanzerKardinal
Of all the world’s hell holes, which are the most hellish?
10 posted on
12/28/2012 7:49:21 PM PST by
HiTech RedNeck
(How long before all this "fairness" kills everybody, even the poor it was supposed to help???)
To: PanzerKardinal
Americans won’t care.
The news won’t care.
Politicians won’t care.
You are assuming Americans have values and strive for the truth, that they still believe in a God, country, and family.
13 posted on
12/28/2012 8:03:12 PM PST by
To: PanzerKardinal
I smell BS on this note. Why would the Chinese take Saturday and Sunday off? That is a western custom.
15 posted on
12/28/2012 8:06:10 PM PST by
To: PanzerKardinal
Very interesting. I’ve thought this a time or two about cheap Chinese products ... I’d lay odds the letter is genuine; if not, it’s faked by a Chinese literate person.
23 posted on
12/28/2012 8:19:13 PM PST by
(Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. -- Psalm 119:105)
To: PanzerKardinal
26 posted on
12/28/2012 8:25:48 PM PST by
(America's at an awkward stage. Too late to work within the system, too early to shoot the bastards.)
To: PanzerKardinal
30 posted on
12/28/2012 9:19:52 PM PST by
To: PanzerKardinal
31 posted on
12/28/2012 9:19:52 PM PST by
To: PanzerKardinal
32 posted on
12/28/2012 9:20:02 PM PST by
To: PanzerKardinal
Remember early in 2008 and 9 ubangos unelected csars were running thier mouth about how wonderful China is and why we should be modeling ourselves to them? Now wouldnt they just love labor camps here in the US.
To: PanzerKardinal
If this is true, the commies are probably pulling random people and shooting them in the head right there in the factory and will continue to do so until someone steps forward.
They have plenty of Workers to replace them.
44 posted on
12/29/2012 5:53:09 AM PST by
Right Wing Assault
(Dick Obama is more inexperienced now than he was before he was elected.)
To: PanzerKardinal
Actually it will soon be happening here in the many soon to be opened re-education camps for conservatives.
45 posted on
12/29/2012 6:22:28 AM PST by
(Mooshell Obama will run for POTUS in 2016.......Obama election fruad won the day.)
To: PanzerKardinal
Holy shoot. That is authentic.
I try to avoid things from china. Hard though.
Seriously this needs to get viral and we need to pressure this admin to stop bowing and to do away with chinas preferred trade status. This is sick.
48 posted on
12/29/2012 12:11:59 PM PST by
To: PanzerKardinal
Reminds me of the note inside the chinese fortune cookie:
Help, i’m being held prisoner in a cookie factory!
60 posted on
12/29/2012 10:58:12 PM PST by
To: PanzerKardinal; SENTINEL; greyfoxx39
Sentinel and GFXX ... this does tie in. This is a monstrously poignant and real wickedness in so many regards, forced upon us by a government that, through licensing requirements, labor laws, convoluted and impossible to understand tax law, zoning restrictions, legislation on manufacturing companies, dictating every detail of employer-employee relations down to medical care, and above all, a creeping government seizure of energy and food related industries in the name of "environmentalism", -- the sum total of all this paralyzing liberal government tyranny has reduced individual Americans to the point that each one is pulled back, from the ground up, from going about producing all the goods that China provides dirt cheap. Cheap because China's communism puts an equally cheap value on human life.
Cheap because American laws have made it essentially illegal for enterprising Americans to produce and manufacture profitably.
If laws were pruned back to the place where free Americans could engage in free commerce, whether it was growing and selling their own food from front gardens, to to buying a boat and venturing forth to be a commercial fisherman, or to be a doctor, or a stay-at-home mom, or anything productive and lucrative -- as free self-directed people have the God given right to pursue ..... the market for cheap slave-made Chinese crap would evaporate.
And here we see at what cost, what evil cost, liberalism entails.
Throw off the coat of government tyranny and watch American goodness and productivity blossom, and deprive the Chinese communists of the present colusion liberalism has manipulated the American people into.
64 posted on
12/31/2012 4:14:27 PM PST by
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