Though I don’t like what is being forced upon this company, the reality is, the judge is following the law as it stands IMHO. Their not a religious institution. Their a commercial enterprise.
And . . . religious liberty is our individual right, so it would be unconstitutional even if Congress passed it as law.
This is not right. Not only do churches have a 1st Amendment right to the Free Exercise of Religion, but individual citizens do too. That partiular Amendment to the Constitution begins with some of the most blessed words in hte English language, "Congress shall make no law..."
I don't think the govt. would dare to tell a business owned by an Orthodox Jewish family, for instance, that they had to open and do business on the Sabbath. Or be shut down.
Or to tell a business owned by a Muslim family, that they had to give their employees coupons for specifically Hams, Bacon and Pork Sausage as a benefit. Or be shut down.
And this happens to be not a bacon issue, but a life-and-death issue, literally, on which the govt. is instructing this business to do something they see as being accomplices to an abominable act.
I think Hobby Lobby is right: the government does not have the authority under the U.S. Constitution to conscript ANYBODY to renounce their moral code. Especially when there are other ways the govt. could distribute contraceptives and morning-after pills if they wanted to, e.g. they could hand the damned stuff out on the street if they wanted to, rather than coerce employers to offer them as a "benefit," when their religious, moral, and ethical belief forbids them to do so.
Hobby Lobby doesn’t HAVE to provide Heath insurance to their employees, but they do. Now the govt. is forcing them to provide coverage for things they don’t agree with. It’s just another way this immoral govt. is taking away your freedom.
With respect...let me be clear: BALDERDASH.
"Congress SHALL MAKE *NO*LAW* respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;..."
Tell me exactly where the phrasing here means, implies, infers, or otherwise suggests that Congress can make a law that infringes on the rights of a company or other "non-religious" entity??
And what part of the first amendment, that congress would pass no law restricting religious expression has been repealed?
Laws which defy our natural rights have no force whatsoever.