Fill up this already diluted nation with openly homosexuals even as it is known that they are anethema to a decent society.
"One would imagine hed prioritize abortion and homosexuality as a center of his policy just as Secretary Clinton has stated, McClusky told in a written statement. He opposes DOMA, life and prioritization of a mother and father model for adoption.
Nothing like making a culture-of-death directly counter to the "common good" which is supposed to be the state's highest goal in defining what is a good state, understood from the time of Aristotle's Politics, in particular, a culture-of-eternal-death in trashing the Constitutional rights of people of faith and right reason to oppose same, as your morally bankrupt foreign policy priority, which says it all for an America firmly in the grip of disciples of the devil, an America that has turned its back on the closing statement in The Declaration of Independence in calling upon the protection of Almighty God for its success, an America that has invited God's wrath if it doesn't turn from its evil ways!
And regarding the absent Hitlery:
Sen Kerry was reportedly warned about the 911 Atrocities in
advance ... and did nothing?
Not one Senator will ask him that, or anything else,
except about his favorite wine, since he told them
he was French and Irish rather than Austrian,
most likely.
We are being ruled by a pigocracy. Every Obama appointment is a pig. Lisa Jackson is a pig. Eric Holder is a pig. John Kerry is a pig. Harry Reid is a pig. Hillary Clinton is a pig. Moochelle is the pig of pigs and Obama is the beast-master.
The younger generations are the most brainwashed about all this LBGT garbage. They have been brainwashed to comply plus there are more of those LBGT freaks among them.
So “fairness” means gay marriage and allowing the immigration of disease ridden gay partners to mooch off our social welfare systems