We are being ruled by a pigocracy. Every Obama appointment is a pig. Lisa Jackson is a pig. Eric Holder is a pig. John Kerry is a pig. Harry Reid is a pig. Hillary Clinton is a pig. Moochelle is the pig of pigs and Obama is the beast-master.
The younger generations are the most brainwashed about all this LBGT garbage. They have been brainwashed to comply plus there are more of those LBGT freaks among them.
So “fairness” means gay marriage and allowing the immigration of disease ridden gay partners to mooch off our social welfare systems
Don’t forget the ever-loved, partially embalmed Nutsy Pelousy. She takes the cake as well as the trough.
We’ve heard something of Miz Fineswine lately, but nothing from Bahbrah (call me senator) Box(er).
One thing one can’t help but notice. The leftist females are by AND large ugly beasts resembling waterbuffalo.