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Union Assault on Camera (Steven Crowder, conservative comedian, assaulted in Lansing - VIDEO)
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Posted on 12/11/2012 12:12:45 PM PST by HawkHogan
Check out the latest video from Lansing. Steven Crowd punched in the face multiple times.
TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Front Page News; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events; US: Michigan
KEYWORDS: 2012; biglabor; bustunions; democrats; obamaunions; seiu; stevencrowd; stevencrowder; unioncorruption; unions; unionscum; unionthugs
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To: Las Vegas Ron
Steven Crowder has the quickest mind I’ve ever seen. Lightning quick. His synapses are brutally fast and I’d not want to argue with him. LOL!
To: Las Vegas Ron
To: Las Vegas Ron
To: Obama_Is_Sabotaging_America
I’m not all that familiar with him but like what I see!
posted on
12/11/2012 1:03:13 PM PST
Las Vegas Ron
(Medicine is the keystone in the arch of socialism)
To: HawkHogan
Dear Lord, the anger and hatred just spews from these freaks!
There are times I am thankful I am not a man, I would have a difficult time holding back! As a woman, I know I can’t be near this kind of garbage, I’d be squashed!
posted on
12/11/2012 1:06:51 PM PST
(Fluck this adminstration of misfits.)
To: HawkHogan
I remember the sign. I’m not shocked. I was there. A friend of mine got it on camera when they destroyed the AFP tent.
posted on
12/11/2012 1:06:51 PM PST
Darren McCarty
(If most people were more than keyboard warriors, we might have won the election)
To: bicyclerepair
posted on
12/11/2012 1:07:47 PM PST
(Don't Tread on Me)
To: baddog 219
if this/that scum tried that w/ me, he
would've gotten his arm broken in three areas..
posted on
12/11/2012 1:09:34 PM PST
(Who'll take tomorrow,spend it all today; who can take your income & tax it all away..0Bama man can :)
To: gaijin
I remember the incident. I recall even seeing a video but can’t find anything now. Are you sure that his name is Mike Adams. If I recall he was with his sister.
posted on
12/11/2012 1:09:45 PM PST
(We lost so now I am thinking of joining them and getting an Obamaphone.)
To: HawkHogan
I hope they find and arrest those creeps
To: conservativebabe
Shades of the KKK. The police looked the other way. The governor needs to call these cowards out.
posted on
12/11/2012 1:12:51 PM PST
(If you really want to annoy someone, point out something obvious that they are trying hard to ignore)
To: HawkHogan
There is only one answer to violence.
"Shock and awe"-level violence.
posted on
12/11/2012 1:13:20 PM PST
(LAZ'S LAW: As an argument with liberals goes on, the probability of being called racist approaches 1)
To: HawkHogan
It’s time to take the gloves off, people. I really want to see some SEIU blood now. These are the Obamabots - these are the idiots that voted for a communist twice. These are the idiots that want to turn the US into the USSR.
Give no quarter!
posted on
12/11/2012 1:19:27 PM PST
(Proud member of the 53%.)
To: All
Saw the whole thing. Damn. I was right by there near the NRA guy right after that occurred. That same fatass screamer told the NRA guy to "blank his blank" and spat on someone else (might have been Steve). My friend the "contractor" (LOL - he's actually an attorney) who is half his size but has a real mean streak against intimidation called him the "faggot" that he is since a man doesn't tell another man to "blank his blank". Fatass didn't do anything about that.
I moved back since I was carrying. I didn't want to be in the middle of that armed.
posted on
12/11/2012 1:20:27 PM PST
Darren McCarty
(If most people were more than keyboard warriors, we might have won the election)
To: Spunky; All
a union thug was convicted..
(iirc) $$$$ was awarded...
collection unknown?
posted on
12/11/2012 1:21:51 PM PST
(Who'll take tomorrow,spend it all today; who can take your income & tax it all away..0Bama man can :)
To: Darren McCarty
Crowder was just on Hannity. Called his first assailant a “gelatinous tub of goo.”
posted on
12/11/2012 1:21:58 PM PST
(Be careful of believing something just because you want it to be true.)
To: Liberty Valance
It really was a good idea till greed got in the way It really was a good idea until DEMOCRATS gave them a monopoly position in the labor market. That is precisely what needs to be fixed.
posted on
12/11/2012 1:22:24 PM PST
(The Slave Party: advancing indenture since 1787.)
To: Darren McCarty
Were you the one they referenced when they were screaming about the guy with the gun?
This video has really inspired me to get involved with AFP and the Tea Party in PA. I’m going to see what I can do to get involved to put a stop to these union thugs.
To: Obama_Is_Sabotaging_America
Look at the lower left in the pic, his name is on the jacket.
posted on
12/11/2012 1:29:35 PM PST
(Free Republic -- One stop shopping ....... It's the Conservative Super WalMart for news .)
To: HawkHogan
No. I know who you're referring to. The guy with the gun wore an NRA cap and stayed calm the entire time. The big mouth yapping at him was some "little Napoleon" punk with the boilermakers union who kept his mouth open all day. He's probably the son of the union steward or something because there aren't many boiler jobs left.
posted on
12/11/2012 1:36:39 PM PST
Darren McCarty
(If most people were more than keyboard warriors, we might have won the election)
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