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1 posted on 12/10/2012 8:09:08 AM PST by Perdogg
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To: Perdogg

I’ll take “rampant fraud and Vichy Republicans,” Alex.

2 posted on 12/10/2012 8:23:38 AM PST by Noumenon (As long as you have a rifle, you STILL have a vote.)
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To: Perdogg
What I think is amusing in a sad way is that the liberal media and the Republican establishment are both working together to paint the “radical” tea party as the reason Republicans lost in November. They seem to conveniently forget that Mitt Romney was the establishment candidate and the tea party was essentially told to shut up and go sit in the back of the bus as soon as Romney secured the nomination.
3 posted on 12/10/2012 8:24:08 AM PST by apillar
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To: Perdogg
We should have seen this coming under George W. Bush. When Karl Rove pointed out to him that unless he endorsed Medicare Part D, the prescription drug benefit, that he would lose the election, what was Bush to do? Never mind that it actually came in under budget or that its secret was competition between drug companies that drove down prices.

The author lost me with this statement. Medicare Part D represents an unfunded liability of $7.2 trillion. The premiums for Medicare Part D only cover 25% of the costs. The rest comes from the General Fund, which borrows 42 cents of every federal dollar spent.

The crap that Medicare Part D came "under budget" is part of the flawed GOP rhetoric that attempts to justify the welfare state. And now that Obamacare has closed the donut hole, the costs will increase.

4 posted on 12/10/2012 8:26:07 AM PST by kabar
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To: Perdogg
All the arguments in the article have valid points, and although I voted for him, I was critical of Romney's avoidance of making it an ideological campaign. Basically Willard the Bland's pitch was: he could run the welfare state better than Obama. Undoubtedly, Romney would be a far better president than Obama, but he was scared of calling Obama what he was: a radical leftist.

So in 2016 we run a real conservative...a warrior who's not afraid to call the Dem candidate (Hillary?) what they are: socialists and petty fascists. But what if we lose again? Even after four more disastrous Obamanomics? Will it be time for a split?

5 posted on 12/10/2012 8:27:29 AM PST by driftless2
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To: Perdogg

America, as we knew it, went straight into the freedom dustbin the instant the Republicans passed Obama care before they even knew what was in the bill.

The exact time and place will be recorded in the history that will be censured by the communists and never shown to their slaves.

That act will go down in history and the most flagrant example of incompetence of any government in history and the very minute they passed it, I was done with the Republican party from that point forward.

Nothing has changed with them since that time that all of the “Lemming” RINOs jumped over the cliff.

The party is “toast” and anyone who is naive enough to think so will be “easy pickings” for all Republicans in the future.

6 posted on 12/10/2012 8:30:21 AM PST by DH (Once the tainted finger of government touches anything the rot begins)
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To: Perdogg; Noumenon
The Fraud and cheating by the Democrats has always been there and Will always be there.

THe real reason we lost, again, was that "our" party decided to "move to the center" both in it's politics and it's candidate.

They used open primaries to accomplish this, they used their money advantage, and their candidate, Mitt Romney, used a scorch and burn policy towards the other Primary candidates that included lying about their backgrounds and saturating the airwaves with half-truths and out-and-out complete lies about each of the other candidates.

And finally, "our" candidate, Mitt Romney, embraced both Abortion and the Gay Agenda and could not communicate the limited-government message if his life depended on it because HE'S NOT A CONSERVATIVE! He does not believe in limited government.

So we had an extremely flawed candidate who failed on two fo the three legs of the conservative stool, i.e., Fiscal and Social conservatism, and we expected to win the race?

Add to that Mitt Romney's own left-wing, progressive record as Governor and both before his governorship and after it, a record that would make even a Rockefellar, blue-blood, country club Republican blush, and there should be no doubt as to why we lost.

Solely Trying to blame this on the cheating by the Democrats is to ignore the gigantic Pink Elephant in the corner of the room.
7 posted on 12/10/2012 8:33:02 AM PST by SoConPubbie (Mitt and Obama: They're the same poison, just a different potency.)
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To: Perdogg

Fraud, cheating and RINO’s teaming to make money off the little people. There does not seem to be too many standing up for truth, justice and the American way ... they roll over and accept money instead.

10 posted on 12/10/2012 8:37:44 AM PST by Pilated
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To: Perdogg

I’m about ready to start posting the “Noth this sh!t again!” graphic on these topics.

Enough punditizing about “why we lost”. Let’s get on with “how we will win”.

13 posted on 12/10/2012 8:46:23 AM PST by bigbob
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To: Perdogg; All

Why we lost; the big picture? Surely you don't think America voted to reelect the Marxist/Muslim usurper- the worst president in American history!

>Polls indicated that Romney was going to win the election.

>The economy is close to Great Depression era conditions, and unemployment is almost as high as when Obama entered office.

>Economic conditions became so dire after Obama took office it prompted the rise of an entire new movement, the Tea Party.

>Presidents rarely win reelection when the economy is in the tank.

>Mitt knew it too, when he was met by several thousand in that parking garage cheering him when he arrived unannounced at that airport, and he put his hand over his heart and said, 'This is how you know you've won'.

So how did Romney lose a race that numerous reputable polls and pundits predicted would be an easy win, based on historical patterns?

Massive voter fraud.

That and no other reason

Almost every major Conservative website has put out an article charging voter fraud- Breitbart, American Thinker, Atlas Shrugs, WND, The Blaze, Front Page Magazine, Fox News, The Daily Caller, Town Hall, Human Events, Canada Free Press...

Can't you just imagine the above was the scene with Obama and his Commie staff after stealing the election through voter fraud- while Conservatives blame Romney, argue, point fingers, blather on about who to run in four years, 'starting a new party', and try to figure out how to suck up to minorities the 'next time'?

Next time? What makes you think the massive voter fraud in this last farce of an election won't be repeated? If we don't clean up our voting system, there may not be a next time. We may not see another Republican president in our lifetime

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Map from Barack Obama Voter Fraud 2012

What most refuse to acknowledge is that it was unlikely that ANYBODY could have beaten the voter fraud planned and perpetrated by the Obama machine. They seem to prefer pointing fingers, blaming Romney and blathering on about who to run in 2016 and how to suck up to the minorities.

We can not wait for 2014 and 2016 to regroup and figure out new strategies. By then it will be too late. The Marxist/Muslim usurper will have completed his planned distruction of America. That's what people fail to understand.

We must act NOW.

Start with the election. If we let the Rats get away with this massive voter fraud, we're no better than a bananna republic.

We must keep digging and pounding him every day, in every way we can- phony birth certificate, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, his hidden life, records....

Col Allen West; "I don't want to see America become like Zimbabwe where people don’t trust their electoral process. If we cannot trust the integrity of the voting system then we are no longer a free republic".

We must fight election fraud.

It falls on ‘We the People’.

Silence is consent


The website,'Barack Obama Vote Fraud 2012' is keeping a running account of cases of voter fraud and what to do about it:

Visit the site- Here



Believe it or not, there ARE patriots out there who are going to FIGHT Obama's reelection- unlike the spinless Republicans who remain silent!

Visit the website; 'The Competent Conservative'


'These elections are NOT certified yet. The only way to get this investigated, much less recounted or overturned, is through the Secretary of State of each of the five key states: Florida, Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. EVEN IF YOU ARE IN ANOTHER STATE you can help. But it won’t do any good to dilute our effort to challenge California or Michigan or other states. Until a major group gets involved to do more, here is the plan: Contact the Secretary of State of the state in question. See contact information below... '

Visit the website, 'Halt Voter Fraud':


'This election is not over - YET. Obama has not been elected by the Electoral College - YET. The Presidential election is being stolen from us with "Chicago Style" thuggery - and we can STOP the thieves in their tracks. But we do not have time on our side. This is our LAST chance. Don't give up. We must act now.

If massive voter fraud has occured as alleged by so many, and if the state vote counts include these FRAUDULENT votes, then is it logical to say that the entire state vote is COMPROMISED and can't be trusted? 59,000,000 Americans might agree!

The state vote is used to determine the allocation of Electors in the Electoral College which actually elects the President and Vice President.

If the vote count is FRAUDULENT, FLAWED, and CAN'T BE TRUSTED - and if the Electors have been FRAUDULENTLY allocated based on FLAWED vote counts - then WE CANNOT ALLOW THE GOVERNORS TO SIGN THEIR CERTIFICATES of ASCERTAINMENT on December 17th. We can stop this if we ACT IMMEDIATELY.


Patriots must rally NOW in the State Capitols of Harrisburg,PA - Richmond, VA - Tallahassee, FL - Columbus, OH, and Madison, WI ****** MASSIVE RALLIES ** *** PATRIOT LEADERS ORGANIZE YOUR LOCAL EFFORTS NOW, coordinate with the other PATRIOT groups as they also rally, let us know who you are and how you will respond, how we can help.

Remember the Battle of Trenton?

We can make HISTORY TODAY.'

More- Here


Obama Voter Fraud on FaceBook- Here


Sign this petition- almost 117,000 and counting -cards, email- Here

Sign the ‘We The People’ petition. It has 60,000 signatures and counting- Here

Click and sign the petition for a recount Here-



WND List of voter fraud reports Here
ATLAS SHRUGS voter fraud list. Here

Republican pole watchers; busloads of Somalians brought in Here
Another poll watcher observes voter fraud Here

Hannity and Col Allan West slam voter fraud Nov 12- Here

Photo of SOMALIANS brought to Ohio voting stations by the busload, 95% of whom did not speak English, and told to vote for Obama, straight Dem ticket- Here

'Human Events', report pollwatcher eyewitness to busload of Somalians at Ohio poll, spoke no English, told to vote Obama Here


Must watch videos!

VIDEO-- Programmer Testifies About Rigging Elections With Vote Counting- Here

VIDEO- Illegal Aliens Caught Voting and Stealing Elections In Florida In Vast Numbers- Here

VIDEO- MICHAEL SAVAGE: How Obama fixed the 2012 election- Here

VIDEO- Massive voter fraud discovered in April- Here

VIDEO- Whistle blower speaks out about voter fraud- Here


Voter fraud from Tea Party: Here

The American Dream- 22 Signs That Voter Fraud Is Wildly Out Of Control And The Election Was A Sham: Here

Town Hall : Obama Likely Won The Election Through Voter Fraud: Here

American Thinker: Was The Election Stolen:? Here

WSVN-TV Almost 1K Ballots Found In Broward Elections Warehouse: Here

Pundit Press; In Florida Obama Got Over 99% In Broward County Precincts: Here

Natural 19,605 to Zero IS Statistical Proof Of Outright Vote Fraud in 2012 Presidential Election: Here

Realville, USA: The Great Election Robbery of 2012? Here

WND: Here's How Touchscreens Killed Romney Votes: Here

The American Dream: Election Fraud? Obama Won More Than 99% Of The Vote in More Than 100 Ohio Precincrs: Here

WND: The Big List Of Voter Fraud Reports: Here

Nachum's List of Voter Fraud: Here


Newt Gingrich 360: Here

Appalachian Forums: Here

Before It's News: Here

WND: Here

Political Outcast: Here

True The Vote: Here

Fox News Insider: Here

Human Events; Here

The Will County News: Here

Fox News: Here

WND: Here

Townhall: Here

Breitbart Here

Accuracy In Media The Left's national voter fraud strategy exposed: Here

Thousands of military votes uncounted or missing: Here

Human Events: Here

Front Page Magazine: Here

The Blaze Here

The Daily Caller: Here

Front Page Magazine Here

Military Voter Protection Project: Here

BreitBart Here

Townhall: Here

Fox News Here

The Blaze Here


The best Obama Exposure site on the net, The Obama File: Here

The United StatesLibrary of Congress has selected for inclusion in its historic collection of Internet materials Here

15 posted on 12/10/2012 8:49:57 AM PST by patriot08 (NATIVE TEXAN)
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To: Perdogg

I’m going to have to call The American Thinker The American Stinker if they keep putting out stuff like this. Not one mention of 9/11. Not one mention of Obama attacking Libya. And Mitt Romney was defeated because of the war in Iran? A swing and a miss.

“Understand yourself and understand your opponents, and in one hundred battles, you will not be defeated.”

I have written about the Democrats use of Behavioral Scientists to win elections. They understand Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and use this understanding to frighten people into voting Democrat. We don’t have the nation of rugged individualists. Our culture, for the past 50 years, has been intentionally manipulated into producing fearful, distracted people. The Democrats didn’t elect Obama because he’s a strong leader, they elected him because “he feels for us”. He knows that they’re afraid. The Democrats use that. Why shouldn’t we? If the way the Democrats ease that fear is with promises of other people’s money, then why not play up the fear that the Democrat’s bungling will cause that money to go away? Fear is a strong motivator. Show that the Democrats like to hand out money, but they don’t know how to make it. Play up Detroit. If you want to scare people, show them the Democrat paradise of Detroit. The Democrat voters will see that the Democrat leaders are like Aunt Thelma who gives them nickels but eventually winds up living with them because she’s broke.

16 posted on 12/10/2012 8:50:22 AM PST by blueunicorn6 ("A crack shot and a good dancer")
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To: Perdogg; Noumenon

We lost because Romney was a crappy candidate from the start. Lots of conservatives stayed home, and they had their choice validated by the fact that the candidate who spent millions to vilify conservative opponents in the primary, didn’t have a single dollar to spend to vilify Barack Obama.

Romney failed to engage. He didn’t engage on the economny, he didn’t engage on Benghazi, he didn’t engage on a visibly failing foreign policy, he didn’t engage on jobs, taxes, entitlements, social issues, or even the price of tea in China.

Romney was a failure. Every prediction that the Romney-bots were leading us down the road to disaster has been borne out. Those of us who voted for the guy out of some or another form of last-ditch desperation knew full well that he was a creep.

And he proved our better instincts right.

One more thing: when he mince-stepped up to the microphone versus when Obama did the same, Romney looked vapid and metro-sexual.

He lost in all areas: bad handlers, bad strategy, bad technology, bad communication, and bad candidate. My only conclusion is that he and his butt-buddies like Karl Rove were clueless or actually wanted to lose.

And don’t tell me it was fraud. If it was rampant, obvious fraud, then the candidate himself uttered not a peep. In which case, he proves himself again to be a spineless wimp.

He needs to just shut up and go away!

18 posted on 12/10/2012 9:21:33 AM PST by xzins (Retired Army Chaplain and Proud of It! True supporters of our troops pray for their victory!)
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To: Perdogg
I'm no great American Thinker but I think they stole the election.

And all this talk about the next Reagan. We already got one.

25 posted on 12/10/2012 9:42:35 AM PST by McGruff (No New RINOs!)
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To: Perdogg

The Republican party can reinvent itself until it’s blue in the face, but until we get a handle on vote fraud we will stay the party out of power. We’ve got to work to have fair elections and eliminate as many opportunities to commit vote fraud as we can. Voter ID laws should be mandatory. Make vote fraud a crime and make the punishment so bad that anyone thinking of doing it would choose not to.

I believe we ran a fair race, but the other side chose to cheat and steal the election. More and more reports are coming out about the amount of voter fraud in this last election. Too many to discount. There should be jail time for any party that commits vote fraud including the arrest and imprisonment of the president if it is found that vote fraud put him in office.

27 posted on 12/10/2012 9:48:05 AM PST by History Repeats (sic transit gloria mundi)
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To: Perdogg
It is here we begin to understand how Obama and the Democrats won in 2012. Instead of the Republican Party being the party of peace, in too many minds it has become the party of war. Electorates do not like parties of war and tend to turn them out.

Oh really? WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Kosovo, Nicaragua, Bosnia, Libya, and now Syria were all propitiated by Republicans??? Oh, Iraq and Afghanistan? Those were RINOs in the Bush. Meanwhile, our "warmonger" president Reagan defeated the Soviets without firing a shot.

What a load.

The key phrase here is "in too many minds." I'll note instead that EVERY institution of public education from preschool to universities, and from news to advertising, is controlled by Democrats. That's the reason.

28 posted on 12/10/2012 9:55:36 AM PST by Carry_Okie (The Slave Party: advancing indenture since 1787.)
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To: Perdogg
"We" lost because "We" wanted to.

"We" are so good at being the minority party. "We" are so good at losing and going along to get along. So long as "We" can get on the equity side of the equation, i.e. Obamacare, etc, "We" don't really care much at all.

"We" are the kind of people who can play ball, get with the program, go along to get along. "We" are happy buying stock in the rope company that has an interest in our own hanging, so long as we know just the right inside moment to buy cheap.

"We" are really pretty damn craven and stupid when it comes down to it.

("We" being the RINO GOP establishment, mind you, not directed at anyone personally except maybe Reince and whoever he's been listening to.)

What mean, "We", white eyes?

29 posted on 12/10/2012 10:05:27 AM PST by OKSooner
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To: Perdogg


Because liberals were allowed to take over the education system and turn out generations of undereducated students, brain-washed with politically correct, racist, socialist dogma and incapable of making an informed decision or fact based judgement.

30 posted on 12/10/2012 10:09:16 AM PST by Iron Munro (I MISS AMERICA !)
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To: Perdogg; All

The key to understanding why the unconstitutionally big federal government keeps getting bigger is the following imo. Patriots must bite the bullet and wake up to the idea that Fx News, and all “conservative” celebrities are Obama’s guard dogs.

More specifically, if patriots were knowledgeable about the Founding States’ division of federal and state government powers, evidenced by the Constitution’s Section 8 of Article I, Article V and the 10th Amendment, then patriot could quickly force corrupt Congress back into its Section 8-limited power cage.

But Fx News doesn’t lift a finger to reconnect patriots with the above constitutional statutes, ignoring them completely in federal public policy discussions.

34 posted on 12/10/2012 11:39:02 AM PST by Amendment10
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To: Perdogg

60% of people under 30 voted Obama.
70% of Latinos voted Obama.
single women voted Obama 2 to 1.
And of course Obama won the folks who dont go to church and make under $50,000.

SO ... figure out how to get young poor single latino women who don’t go to church to vote Republican, and we’ll be a majority party again.


56 posted on 12/10/2012 10:33:06 PM PST by WOSG (REPEAL AND REPLACE OBAMA. He stole AmericaÂ’s promise!)
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