Every young man would be better off learning some “skills” than he would going to college this fall.
With the “shift” that’s coming,
growing your own food is going to be much more valuable than most of the degree offerings and the “high level indoctrination centers” these days.
As this new paradigm gains ascendancy, and with its high degree of specialization determined by the learner (as opposed to cookie-cutter education), and with business owners themselves taking a structured autodidactic approach to learning and therefore preferring it in their colleagues/employees, the traditional university will fade into a more limited and specialized role.
It will, for many of us, be a most welcomed day, a day of true equal opportunity, a day that demarcates the end of the Ivy League hegemony - a day when merit is determined by objective knowledge. For some, of course, the day will not be so welcomed because they will be expected to demonstrate skill now, today, rather than point to a piece of paper earned 20 years ago. For all, it will be wonderful as it will raise overall competition and productivity.
Then - when America jettisons the traditional pedagogic paradigms in favor of one which leverages the advantages of the 21st Century - we can push toward restoring American exceptionalism in the world.