They bought 3 seats for her...and the flight attendants couldn’t get her out of the wheelchair and into the seats, even with the assistance of the local fire department. The airlines did the best they could do and offered them another route (she wasn’t in critical condition), but her husband decided to stop trying. He also said that she refused to go to the Hungarian hospital, although they were Hungarians, she spoke the language, and she didn’t have anything particularly unusual (diabetic kidney failure). So she could have gotten help there, or they could have pursued some of the other options.
I think he’s covering for himself, personally. Why didn’t he call an ambulance and have them take her to the hospital if she needed dialysis? They can do that in Hungary too.
And why didn’t he make a new set of arrangements to get her back home? She could probably have flown on a stretcher or have been transported like any seriously ill person (that is, not in a passenger seat). But he appears never to have tried that.
They bought 3 seats for her...and the flight attendants couldnt get her out of the wheelchair and into the seats, even with the assistance of the local fire department.