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1 posted on 11/25/2012 8:54:08 AM PST by drewh
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To: drewh

Romney lost because he was soooooooo conservative. Riiiiiiiiiiiight.

2 posted on 11/25/2012 8:59:10 AM PST by jdsteel (Give me freedom, not more government.)
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To: drewh
Not so sure of that. We keep repeating this bromide, but where is the evidence that the establishment was calling the shots? If anything, I would say that in the last couple of years, the establishment has taken a back seat to the tea party, and the candidates have all taken positions favorable to the tea party.

In fact, Romney's position on immigration was the closest to the tea party position, and farthest away from the establishment RINO position.

3 posted on 11/25/2012 9:00:02 AM PST by nwrep
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To: drewh

It is possible to be moderate while retaining conservative values.
Reagan did it.
He would have been shunned if he ran in the past election, just as JFK would be seen as a radical right leaning fellow had he ran in Obamas place.

The country has become to polarized.

4 posted on 11/25/2012 9:01:04 AM PST by mylife (The Roar Of The Masses Could Be Farts)
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To: drewh

The GOP shares a lot of unfortunate traits with the demonRAT party. Establishment republicans want nothing so much as to maintain power and will flop around however they must to maintain it. They have as much respect for First Principles as the ‘RATs do.

I have every intention of changing my registration this year, and will do my utmost to see our two incumbent, establishment, republicans kicked out of office. But no one should make the mistake of imagining that I would EVER vote demonRAT, even with a loaded gun to my head.

I am a proud supporter of Tea Party principles and if the “main stream” GOP doesn’t like that, I invite them to go pound sand.

5 posted on 11/25/2012 9:07:09 AM PST by 13Sisters76 ("It is amazing how many people mistake a certain hip snideness for sophistication. " Thos. Sowell)
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To: drewh

This premise is exactly correct. Rush isn’t the leader of the RNC, but instead, articulates our beliefs to a large audience which the RNC, does not believe for their insulated, limited by the Beltway, arrogance.

We will win when we have consultants who are willing to stealthily re-educate the electorate in what it means to be American, that is, Hispanics and Blacks as well. This means do it with boldness, not avoiding dictators like 0bama in the national election...Mitt, with all his faults and past liberal Rebuplican tendencies would have won had he had a staff who would have “gone with boldness” as Rush mentions almost daily.

How do we get a candidate who will be bold? Who acatually runs the RNC? Who “elects” Reince Preibus? While what I am saying sounds like we need a Third Party, I am in no way saying this...that is Perot all over again. Convincing those in charge to do the bold, re-education route and have Palin& West as your ticket is the way to go.

It’s kinda like sending a letter to the RNC that says, I will promise to send X$ to you if Palin&West are the ticket, but will boycott otherwise...

Here’s an example of my frustration. I have been married 17 yrs interracially. My wife’s family upper scale black with 100% voting record D. 0bamma would have had to kill someone personally - and even then - they’d still vote for him.

I called the Columbus RNC and volunteered as well as the Cincinnati/Hamilton County RNC to volunteer...that is, as a consultant to help understand what it would take to convince blacks...what language, what triggers, etc....

I have a huge plethora or cornucopia of what would and would not work...inside info if you will...did they listen to me? Nope. Were they interested? They didn’t know where to file it. I won’t give up, however. I’ll approach them again in a different way and talk to the right people.

You see, we are dealing with old school RNC; we have to be smarter...the DNC wants us to start a 3rd party; they know that is a civil war amongst ourselves...we need to takeover the RNC...that is the way.

6 posted on 11/25/2012 9:10:45 AM PST by CincyRichieRich (Keep your head up and keep moving forward!)
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To: drewh

“Like Martin Luther, conservatives’ first step is to nail their equivalent of the 95 Theses to the door of the Republican National Committee”

Let’s hope whatever conservative takes on the challenge will have more knowledge and integrity than a drunkard German monk who for some reason thought he had the right to call into question the scriptures and indeed change the Holy Bible into what he thought it should say.

8 posted on 11/25/2012 9:14:38 AM PST by NKP_Vet
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To: drewh

Jim robinson was RIGHT about Romney.

Just say NO to bland Republicans who steer completely clear of cultural matters and fail to speak out against high spending.

12 posted on 11/25/2012 9:33:14 AM PST by gaijin
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To: drewh

Jim robinson was RIGHT about Romney.

Just say NO to bland Republicans who steer completely clear of cultural matters and fail to speak out against high spending.

13 posted on 11/25/2012 9:33:56 AM PST by gaijin
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To: drewh


And who are they gonna shove down our throats in 2016? J. Bush. Count on it.

The GOP Establishment track record is horrid. They got lucky in 2010 when so many OIdiot voters sat home. (29 million actually). If they pick our 2016 nominee, well . . .we are truly done.

15 posted on 11/25/2012 9:48:07 AM PST by RIghtwardHo
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To: drewh

The Republican Party spends most of its effort promoting the Democrats and their agenda. That’s crazy! Crazy but true. Republicans effectively, if unwittingly, advance the Democrat’s leftist agenda. No matter who is in power, the federal government, its power and expenditures, continue to grow with little chance of reversal.

The Democrats propose a “generous” increase in the minimum wage. The Republicans either oppose an increase and opt for staying at the current level or counter with a more modest increase. The Democrats say that we need to increase the school lunch program by x million dollars. The Republicans answer by offering an increase of one third x. Democrats say that the government needs to spend a lot more subsidizing housing and Republicans say that the current level is adequate. Democrats say that more people should be made eligible and Republicans defend the status quo.

So the predictable dynamic is that the Democrats fight for an increase in spending for some government program and the Republicans either oppose any increase or counter with a proposal for more modest growth. What impression of the Republican Party does this give? What is the one principle that people are able to discern from Republicans’ policies as stated above? That the Republicans are cheap and uncaring. Some may manage to construe it as fiscal responsibility but what it comes down to is withholding funds from “worthwhile” programs. Thus ultimately withholding help from those who are “entitled” to it

If the Republicans agree to spend two billion dollars on a program they are inherently saying that it is good and just and worthwhile. Why else would they agree to spend such a massive amount of money on it? If people who position themselves as fiscally responsible spend that kind of money, it has to be for something good. Something right. Something necessary. And here they cede the moral high ground to Democrats, liberals, leftists by validating their policies, programs and agenda. It’s Democrats who are fighting for all of these good and righteous schemes and the Republicans who are dragging their feet.

Every time Republicans say yes, but not so much. They are saying that the Democrats are right and they, the Republicans, are cheap. The Democrats are looking out for the needy and the Republicans are looking out for the cheap and stingy. We are cheap! Hardly an inspiring philosophy. Hardly a winning strategy.

We all know that the best defense is a good offense. The GOP has turned that truism on its head. Their only offense is a pathetic defense. And no matter how good your defense if you have no offense you will eventually lose. It’s inevitable. After the 1994 elections swept the Republicans t control of Congress, many anticipated the extinction of a few federal agencies. Many even a department or two. Dare to dream. Then we were told that Rome was not built in a day so don’t expect it to be dismantled in a day. Well we are still waiting for those first few bricks to be knocked loose.

Sure the left has moved us to a gargantuan and ever-growing welfare state on step at a time, or make that one billion a time. That is the only way it could have happened. Anyone who one hundred years ago tried to propose what we have now would have been run out of town. Any American town. As per the above it may be impossible to move in the opposite direction by increments. When you propose to spend less than the left wants the only principle that you are standing on and promoting is cheapness. Not a very compelling platform. Rather a recipe for long term defeat.

Being second-rate Democrats has been a disaster. Even when Republicans win elections. Agreeing to spend a fortune on Democrat social programs and wealth transfer schemes only validates those schemes. And makes conservatives-or what passes for conservatives these days-look bad. So virtually everything the Republicans do validates Democrats and make themselves look bad. A guaranteed formula for disaster.

So what’s the alternative? How about taking a stand. How about acting on principle? A principle other than cheapness. Will it be easy? The question is what are your principles and what do you want to achieve. If you want to be liked by the establishment intelligentsia then you definitely need to keep up with leftists. Just keep in mind that you will have to go further and further year after year. They keep raising the bar, moving the goal line. What “moderates’ are advocating and supporting now would have been radical a few decades ago. Trying to keep up will always mean that you will always be second-rate and always fall short.

The only was to go, which makes it the easy way, is to stand on principle. Without compromise. Truly become the party of NO. Rather than the party of not quite so much.

16 posted on 11/25/2012 9:48:52 AM PST by all the best (`~!)
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To: drewh

The Establishment will win...they have the money and the backing...Romney spent millions using the Karl Roves and all he got was his butt handed to him on a sling.
I think its high time to not nail our theses to the wall but take our thesis out and start a third conservative party...

19 posted on 11/25/2012 9:52:02 AM PST by lexington minuteman 1775
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To: drewh

The Republicans loved the two-party system. Voters consist of only two factions: Liberals and Conservatives and they know that.

As a conservative the Republicans don’t believe they have to “earn” your vote.....they expect it. For as long as there are only two parties that matter, they don’t have to do anything to earn it. The result...nothing changes and the same old tired Republicans (or whoever they groom for the positions elected) goes on year after year after year with no fear that conservatives will vote for any other party.

However, something has started to happen. Conservatives faced with no choice of a Republican candidate simply did not lower their standards and vote Republican...they didn’t vote for all. Many Democrats did the same.

Our national leadership has become “a right of passage” for those of wealth, power and money on both sides and it will only get worse with time.

Not true? Well explain how the Republican party is considering grooming Jeb Bush to continue the Bush dynasty just like the Democrats supported the Kennedy dynasty.

20 posted on 11/25/2012 9:52:26 AM PST by DH (Once the tainted finger of government touches anything the rot begins)
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To: drewh

Ah, yes - “moderation.”

The only things you find in the middle of the road are yellow stripes and roadkill.

21 posted on 11/25/2012 10:19:19 AM PST by Noumenon (As long as you have a rifle, you STILL have a vote.)
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To: drewh

“Fetid”... that’s an appropriate word for the current state of the GOP, as run by the scumbag GOP-E elites, consultants and professional political class.

I used to think the Party could be reformed from the inside, like Palin and much of the grassroots tea party folks had proposed. But the rot and corruption is apparently too deep. Way too deep. I have zero faith and zero confidence in the GOP to ever truly combat the statist/socialist wave that is fully engaged and poised to destroy America.

22 posted on 11/25/2012 10:22:47 AM PST by greene66
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To: drewh

For those who live in Rio Linda, this is an analogy.

I liken the GOP establishment to Jerry Jones of the Dallas Cowboys. The GOPe is not interested in anything but themselves and their power, so they hedge their bets. As long as they have their kingdom in tact, all is fine. I am sure Jones would love to have a super bowl win, but this man still rakes in loads of dough with a mediocre team, it’s win win for Jones. The GOPe is the same, It’s a win win for them. They will use all of their power to keep the Tea Party out. The Tea party reps need to consult with Hillsdale and the Mark Levin types to find ways to defeat this thing and kill it forever. As long as this GOPe breathes, there will be no true Republican POTUS. IMHO.

24 posted on 11/25/2012 10:35:40 AM PST by klimeckg ("The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.")
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To: drewh

The Romans blamed the Christians when Rome burned. So why wouldn’t the Republicans blame the Christians too when Romney failed? Their solution — Jebbie for President and George P. for land commissioner is more than a mouthful.

27 posted on 11/25/2012 10:57:20 AM PST by Theodore R. ("Hey, they must all be crazy out there!")
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To: drewh
(Art.) The point being: why would establishment Republicans want to move left (to the center, in their vernacular) precisely at the time when the America created by Woodrow Wilson and FDR is faltering -- groaning under its own enormous weight and falsity?

Way to go! Ain't much "give-up" in this conservative! I like this guy.

But why'd he leave out LBJ and Slick Willie and Barky Boy? Talk about champions of monster government ...

30 posted on 11/25/2012 11:39:21 AM PST by lentulusgracchus
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To: FReepers; Patriots

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Please Contribute Today.

FReepathon Day 56!!

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To: drewh

I don’t live in that environment on the hill, nor lived during the time England established their House of Commons and House of Lords and whatever else the lawyers established to rule England (besides Monarchy), but I do know that history shows the “bargining” we see between our Repubs and DemocRats is a holdover from when our ancestors left. Why else would lawyers give so much power to Congress (who happen to be lawyers) in the beginning?

And today I’m seeing the persona of “monarchy” in the attitude of our elected officials.

I think the bottom line is that GOP has abandoned American citizens in favor of compromise so that their feelings won’t get hurt when liberals call them names.

Or maybe liberalism has infiltrated the GOP?

Here’s what scares me more...both Repubs and DemocRats seem to care more for foreign entities and illegal immigrants than they do for the legal American citizen that I’m afraid the conservative voice will be silenced forever.

Don’t forget, there are those here to take over the country...communist? Progressives? Mexico? Muslims? We have to be more aware of those we elect.

44 posted on 11/26/2012 5:29:51 AM PST by beachn4fun (Being Thankful that the forgiven have the ear of God.)
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