Disagree. Supporting amnesty doesn’t help the republican party with Hispanic people. Many of them have been here in America, longer than anybody else.
I for one am not about to cede the sovereignty of this country, even to Americans of Hispanic origin simply because they have some connection to their illegal invader brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles, aunts, etc. and wish to bypass all established immigration law and put these people first, because they are Mexican - whatever.
I’m not going to kiss their butt, pander to them, or plead with them so they can see what they are doing to this country. If they persist, I’ll shun them too, not hire them, not support their businesses, nor offer any friendship. They will be as any Democrat to me - nonexistent.
I for one am not about to cede the sovereignty of this country, even to Americans of Hispanic origin simply because they have some connection to their illegal invader brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles, aunts, etc. and wish to bypass all established immigration law and put these people first, because they are Mexican - whatever.
I’m not going to kiss their butt, pander to them, or plead with them so they can see what they are doing to this country. If they persist, I’ll shun them too, not hire them, not support their businesses, nor offer any friendship. They will be as any Democrat to me - nonexistent.
Isn’t that what Byron said?
It is an act of politician Suicide John seems intend on caring out. If the republican party somehow survives Johns attempted suicide it will not be the republican party anyone recognizes.
John is not only killing his own job but the hopes and dreams of every patriot left in these increasingly divided States. It would upset me more if I did not think the fate of this increasingly unholy union was already decided.
I don’t know of anything that can save freedom in this union at this point except dilution. There are simply too many people up north unwilling to allow the changes necessary to preserve freedom. Washington is too lawless to respect our rights and keep its nose out of our business.
Of course John seems intent upon cutting our numbers down even more drastically. Perhaps to the effect of even destroying our last bastion of liberty with the influx of a culturally totalitarian population strait out of always politically dysfunctional Mexico & Central America.
Unassaimulated and still attached to the values & printable that brought their homelands to unending ruin. Perhaps that is why every day our land under their choice of laws & leaders is looking more and more like the one they left.
I wish i could say Democrats would realize their mistake in 4 years and reverse themselves, but that never happened in Mexico or central America, it did not happen in 2012, what reason is there to believe that it will happen in 2016?