Posted on 11/20/2012 7:49:57 PM PST by Nachum
Last week, when discussing the next steps for the company, and specifically the hope that mediation may resolve the epic animosity between management and workers, we stated that "What makes a mediation improbable is that the antagonism between the feuding sides has certainly hit a level of no return: "Several unions also objected to the company's plans, saying they made "a mockery" of laws protecting collective bargaining agreements in bankruptcy. The Teamsters, which represents 7,900 Hostess workers, said the company's plan would improperly cut the ability of remaining workers to use sick days and vacation." Sure enough, moments ago we learned that mediation has now failed and the liquidation may proceed. And since in America nobody understands that proper sequence of events involved in a bankruptcy liquidation, where the valuable parts always end up being acquired by someone, in this case the Twinkie brand and recipe, let the pointless Ebay bidding wars over twinkies continue. As for what really happens next, if indeed Bimbo is prohibited from acquiring the assets in the Stalking Horse auction due to anti-trust limitations, then the buyer will almost certainly be a "financial", i.e., another PE firm, whose coming means the end of any hopes and dreams of preserving union status at fresh start Hostess, or whatever the new firm will be named.
From the WSJ:
Hostess Brands Inc. said Tuesday night it would proceed with liquidation plans after mediation fails.
Earlier Tuesday, the head
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I read once about a auto assembly plant in California, where a worker was mutilated and killed by a dangerous condition that the workers had been complaining about for years. At the next union meeting a bunch of dead guys friends showed up demanding to know what the UAW shop steward was doing about the death, and the unchanged dangerous condition.
"Nothing." Was the steward's reply. He explained that since the dead guy had not filed a grievance complaining that he had been killed, he wasn't required, under union rules, to take any action.
“Laid off”? I thought they were on strike.
Now they’re FIRED.
It’s very doubtful that any Twinkies for US consumption will be produced in Mexico. The Bimbo operation bakes its US marketed products in the USA, in Texas to be exact. Isn’t it fitting that the rootin’ tootin’ Twinkie The Kid be reborn in Texas? (even if his parents are the Frito Banditos)
It’s very doubtful that any Twinkies for US consumption will be produced in Mexico. The Bimbo operation bakes its US marketed products in the USA, in Texas to be exact. Isn’t it fitting that the rootin’ tootin’ Twinkie The Kid be reborn in Texas? (even if his adoptive parents are the Frito Banditos)
The company was fired in this case... great job bakers union. Wonder what emoluments they will end up getting under the table.
Ayup, and now we see why "Right To Work" is NOT a bloomin' euphemism.
They did this nasty in order to prove their thugliness. At some point ex-workers are going to get tired of this game and say “who needs U” as in “union.” I hope.
I doubt if Twinkies will be made in Mexico. Few US-grade products are made in Mexico. Imported items are readily available, but they are generally cruder than the average US person expects.
I was not thinking about the union MEMBERS suing the Union. I was thinking of the non-members who lost their jobs as a result of the union workers striking.
I spotted a Mrs. Freshley clone of Hostess cupcakes — right down to the looped icing stripe — in a gas station yesterday.
Yup, in the Volunteer State... being in a union is voluntary.
The whole sentence is a non-starter non sequitur. There are no "cheaper condominiums" in Detroit. They're all cheap...
He's presumably talking about the Detroit metro area, specifically the part outside of Detroit city limits. The city proper is 82% black.
Miss M, I'd say Mr. Frank Hurt, the president of the baker's union is probably not sleeping very well right now, if one of the quotes from some of these Teamster's members is any indication:
Scott Quenneville, a Hostess truck driver represented by the Teamsters, said he feels his colleagues were misled by Mr. Hurt into believing that a buyer would swoop in for the company...."Frank misled a lot of people. He was not going to settle for anything less than closing the company down, because they didn't want that 8% pay cut," said Mr. Quenneville. "If you don't want the job, leave the job. Why ruin 18,000 jobs?"Uh, Frank? Happy Holidays. Be careful out there!
Bimbo has plants all over the US, so probably not.
Bimbo has plants all over the US, so probably not.
I’ve worked an several of the Bimbo plants around the USA in a previous job.
They make sure that you know it’s pronounced Beam-bo.
No. Not only is it pronounced “beembo”, but Ms. Flake is a slut, not a bimbo.
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