You deal with Muslims, liberals, urban blacks.....all exactly the same way: from strength. Strength is all they know; strength is all they recognize.
Not ONE damned so-called “leader” in this country has had the balls to say it, but it’s the gospel truth.
I defy anyone on this forum to challenge the notion.
The strength can be the strength of ideas as well, and we do not defend our ideas strongly at all. For one thing, we should start by refusing to let ourselves be silenced: the universities and public venues that refuse to let conservatives speak are not black or minority of any kind, but they are one of the prime leaders in suppressing us. Yet we rarely fight back (take it to court, for example, or even make much public outcry over it).
It’s the strength of the principles that’s going to win - but only if that’s coupled with the strength of our expression of and support for them.