It would cost me all those blue states.
Ain’t that tragic?
Didn't Barack Obama have some allegiance with the persons in Hawaii who want to secede?
Zero would just imagine that he’s the reincarnation of Lincoln...trying to protect the blacks (and gays, lesbians, transgender, muslims, hispanics, poor,urban etc) and save the union. The press would totally agree.
We who want out would be portrayed as selfish racist traitors and our weapons would be confiscated.
Come to think of it zero might welcome this event.
He’s assuming all social programs will continue to function the same and pay the parasites the same, they won’t. Get rid of federally mandated social engineering programs and a lot of overhead goes away. What about the people getting the checks you say? Tell them to get a job, stop spitting out kids as a single welfare parent, or move to somewhere that still wants to support you, or die. Would take few years but the problem would solve itself. Alambama could support itself quite well without the federal government if they were willing to take a “tough love” approach to fiscal responsibility.
Who pays for social security retirement benefits or military retirement pay?
quote “Thats because your state receives far more back from Uncle Sam in government spending than you pay in federal taxes. If you go it alone, youll have to make up the difference yourselves. “
um... no.
Because we would stop paying for most of the crap the federal government does. Those states the article mentions that receive so much more in federal assistance than the rest of the nation... just happen to have the largest percentage of blacks, which disproportionately use welfare and over federal government handouts.
If we seceeded. We would STOP all those welfare payments to those groups causing them to.... flee to the North where they can once again be happy on the plantation having their every want taken care of including free Obama-phones!
The entire misanthropic "environmental" movement is a thinly-disguised propaganda campaign to get US citizens to accept that they are bad for Mother Earth, and that the best thing that could happen to Mother Earth is for them to do the right thing and die.
Government services like the EPA stopping you from improving your land or the FDA telling you which medicine you cannot have. Most "government services" are imposed by force, and Free people do not want them.
It would cost me about 750,000 illegal aliens that would leave the State once no free money was available.
How likely is it that downscale Texans or Southerners would forever let their vote be determined by animosity for those across the Northern border? If you don't have the usual suspects to vote against, things can change pretty quickly.
Also, some people assume that a seceding state or region (or what remains of the rest of the country) would see an economic boom due to the break-up. I suspect the result of secession and disunion would be to make all the successor states economic backwaters, as investment flows to greener pastures abroad.
I dont care where you live, and how badly run your local state government is. Nothing could be worse than this monstrosity.
Yes it could and will!
The so called fiscal cliff is just the excuse our out of control Congress needs to make the tax code even more arcane.
Our congress critters have learned long ago how to make friends and influence campaign donors by strategically writing tax law to reward their friends and punish those that are not their friends.
With an impending tax cliff straight a head there is ample opportunity to wring campaign cash out of those wealthy individuals and corporations for a few favorable lines of tax law.
Secession will probably become necessary to save/restore America (the culture and the founding principles), but there really is a bad side that has to be resolved.
The U.S. federal govt would retain control of the military assets, the currency, and federal property.
On the micro level, what happens to the SSN/Medicare/military “pensions” that individuals have paid into if these individuals reside in a Free State? Would folks have to self-deport to a Slave State in order to retain their earned benefits?
So this genius is saying that states that seceded would have trouble paying for the goodies for illegals, fat welfare mommas and the golden retirement plans of fascist bureaucrats.
I’d call this guy an imbecile but it’s too obvious.
This blather totally ignores the insane $1.5 TRILLION burden of fedgiv regulations!
No one has to secede. Just split the states.
With a rational tax policy, a free Texas would become the Hong Kong of the West.
Productive wealthy people would flock to Texas from all over the world — including the blue states.
Also, Texas could join forces with Alaska to be the OPEC of the West.
So?? Where in the constitution does it say we need to have a FEDERAL Department of Education??