Insightful post. I agree with you that even some GOP can’t turn down what they perceive to be a freebie. They will soon find out. The one issue that may have cost Romney the win is his faith. While not directly challenged by the WH for good reason, many Evangelicals could not bring themselves to vote for Romney. It is difficult to comprehend that nearly 3 million republican voters sat this election out. We must not discount voter fraud. I am disappointed that the national committee didn’t bring some challenges in Ohio, Wisconsin and Florida.
Good luck living behind the Iron Curtain. It makes no sense that a state that voted for Gov. Walker won’t vote for Romney. The same people who go to the polls to vote down gay marriage also went to the polls and voted for Obama. Go figure that one out.
“In the News/Activism forum, on a thread titled Republicans Freak Out Over Romney’s Embrace of the Baracka Claus Theory, Memphis Blues wrote:
Insightful post. I agree with you that even some GOP cant turn down what they perceive to be a freebie “
Where in my opus did I even agree with Romney who laid his loss on the “free-bee” argument ? Note the way I spell
that.Because when a politician offers something for free there is allways a sting it ends up leaving .
That was his problem .He was wishy washy on global warming, and stuck on Romneycare. He couldn’t call a spade a spade or a socialist a socialist. They let the media run this campaign. As far as his religion goes the demo-coms used his Mormonism and there were die hard bible thumpers who hate the Catholics even more who didn’t vote for him because of it. At least the man believed in God .The demo-coms booed Him at their last convention .
There were so many examples of demo-com Obama policies affecting “demographic” pocket books that could have been brought up but weren’t is my point. Partcicularly the energy policy. You mean to tell me African -(note the hyphen) or Mexican- (note the hyphen) Americans don’t buy gas, food, clothing, furniture, et-cetera, et-cetera, et-cetera ?