Ah, so now they tell 'em....
The strikers want it to close down and liqudate. Apparently they are quite open about it.
Striking workers at the Merita Bread Bakery in Orlando said Thursday they were discouraged by a light turnout of union members but hopeful that Hostess Brands Inc. would follow through with a threat to sell off its bakery operations as part of the company’s bankruptcy proceedings.
“That would be the best thing for employees,” said Ron Hopkins, vice president of the AFL-CIO’s Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union Local 103 in Orlando.
“We’re not asking for a raise. We just want to maintain our pay and our pension. I make less now than when I started here,” said Hopkins, a shipping clerk who has held many other positions in 26 years at the bakery.
That union approved the court-ordered labor settlement and advised its members to go back to work. It's the 5,000-member baker's union that is not willing to sign onto the deal and is threatening the jobs of all 18,000 employees.