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To: MrEdd

Actually, you didn’t vote. You pretended to vote for a pretend candidate.

Rather than make a hard decision for one of the two actual candidates, you took the easy, the cowards way out and merely pretended to act.

11 posted on 11/15/2012 4:43:26 AM PST by bert ((K.E. N.P. N.C. +12 ..... Present failure and impending death yield irrational action))
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To: All

What most refuse to acknowledge is that it was unlikely that ANYBODY could have beaten the voter fraud planned and perpetrated by the Obama machine. They seem to prefer pointing fingers, blaming Romney and blathering on about Patraeus' sex life.

Col Allen West; "I don't want to see America become like Zimbabwe where people don’t trust their electoral process. If we cannot trust the integrity of the voting system then we are no longer a free republic".

Col West has opened the door.

We must fight election fraud.

It falls on ‘We the People’.

Silence is consent

There’s overwhelming evidence of fraud.- Here


SARAH PALIN speaks out on Twitter about massive Obama machine voter fraud:

>Sarah Palin News ‏@SarahPalinLinks Between suppression of the military vote and voter fraud, Obama stole another election. …DEMAND A RECOUNT! #VoterFraud

>Sarah Palin News ‏@SarahPalinLinks People need to stop pointing fingers within the GOP and investigate the Dems' massive voter fraud and suppression of the military vote.


>MITT ROMNEY in 2012! ‏@PlanetRomney #tcot The Competent Conservative: Elections Have Not Yet Been Certified, Here’s What You Can Do:

>> These electi...


Excerpt from Mitt Romney's reference:

These elections are NOT certified yet. The only way to get this investigated, much less recounted or overturned, is through the Secretary of State of each of the five key states: Florida, Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. EVEN IF YOU ARE IN ANOTHER STATE you can help. But it won’t do any good to dilute our effort to challenge California or Michigan or other states. Until a major group gets involved to do more, here is the plan: Contact the Secretary of State of the state in question. See contact information below...

Read the rest- Here


The website,'Barack Obama Vote Fraud 2012' is keeping a running account of cases of voter fraud and what to do about it:

(Astonishing!) > Visit the site- Here
Sign this petition- Here

Another website:

Is There Enough Evidence of Voter Fraud To Merit a Recount? If you wish to add your voice, click here and sign the petition for a recount Here-

< Hannity and Col Allan West slam voter fraud Nov 12- Here

Photo of SOMALIANS brought to Ohio voting stations by the busload, 95% of whom did not speak English, and told to vote for Obama, straight Dem ticket- Here

Must watch videos!

VIDEO-- Programmer Testifies About Rigging Elections With Vote Counting- Here

VIDEO- Illegal Aliens Caught Voting and Stealing Elections In Florida In Vast Numbers- Here

VIDEO- MICHAEL SAVAGE: How Obama fixed the 2012 election- Here

VIDEO- Massive voter fraud discovered in April- Here

VIDEO- Whistle blower speaks out about voter fraud- Here


We can not wait for 2014 and 2016 to regroup and figure out new strategies. By then it will be too late. The Marxist/Muslim usurper will have completed his planned distruction of America. That's what people fail to understand.

We must act NOW.

Start with the election. If we let the Rats get away with this massive voter fraud, we're no better than a bananna republic.

We must keep digging and pounding him every day, in every way we can- phony birth certificate, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, his hidden life, records....

We are FReepers. We must fight!

Those who shrug and accept this atrocity without a fight are not worthy to be called Freepers!

Join us!! See thread, 'BARACK OBAMA FRAUD 2012- (MUST READ- MUST GO VIRAL!)' thread- Here

16 posted on 11/15/2012 4:48:51 AM PST by patriot08 (Native Texan)
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To: bert

Pervert, I Don’t really care how much you personally want to sacrifice babies to support your unmerited lifestyle of hedonism.

You personally are a coward.

You have never made a hard decision or deprived yourseld in your whole self centered life.

Whine as much as you like.

In the end, you are left with your emtiness, and all you have spent your life on you will recognize was of no worth.

I voted to give you what you personally deserve.

These kids who are being dismembered in the womb have value.
You, not so much.

18 posted on 11/15/2012 4:53:09 AM PST by MrEdd (Heck? Geewhiz Cripes, thats the place where people who don't believe in Gosh think they aint going.)
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To: bert

Many will find a way to recover their senses after the moral and political debauchery that was Romney Republicanism, and remember that this is supposed to be a country premised in constitutional, republican, REPRESENTATIVE self-government, but after reading your post I’m doubtful that you will be one of them.

22 posted on 11/15/2012 4:58:15 AM PST by EternalVigilance (Like sand through an Etch-A-Sketch, this is how republics die.)
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To: bert

Nothing cowardly about standing your ground while all those around you abandon their principles.

34 posted on 11/15/2012 5:11:39 AM PST by Manic_Episode (Some's just not worth chewing through the leather straps....)
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To: bert; MrEdd

I think language goes over the top sometimes. This election was a real conundrum.

I am a “life” voter who did not choose until about the final 2 weeks to vote for Romney.

The reason I did so was because of “life”.

When Benghazi broke I was amazed by the attempts to sell it as the result of a silly video trailer. Then it got much more sinister.

Obama was actually decreeing that our Seals, ever faithful to not leave anyone behind, would be left to die.

He pronounced a death sentence on them. As a career military chaplain, I could not help the bitterness I felt at discovering those brave souls went to their deaths putting a laser on a target, because they just knew that their people would have their backs, that they would be there for them.

But, Obama performed a post-birth abortion on them. He directly decreed death to the living.

That was so heinous, and I was so certain that Romney would never have made that decision — that no other politician would have made that decision — that I had to recognize this was clearly a distinction in the positions held on “life” by the 2 men.

Obama’s death panels says the same abortion.

His keeping troops in an Afghanistan he is leaving in a few months — only to see many of them needlessly die — says the same abortion.

His sending guns into Mexico to kill innocent Mexicans says post-birth abortion.

The deaths of our border agents in that same operation says post-birth abortion.

I believe Obama kills in ways I could not conceive Romney of doing. I am convinced he enjoys post-birth abortion.

So, on the basis of that distinction, I put my X next to Romney’s name. Other than that, he would not have gotten my vote.

50 posted on 11/15/2012 5:40:38 AM PST by xzins (Retired Army Chaplain and Proud of It! True supporters of our troops pray for their victory!)
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To: bert
God have mercy on america for the next four years,We are giong to see things that are going to cural the hair and that is no joke....The american people who voted for this will have to live with it....And for us who know that our God has over come the world and better seek Him prayfully...
97 posted on 11/15/2012 5:54:57 PM PST by primrose (PRIMROSE)
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