“Romney was terrible on the issues, rejecting the party platform on abortion and homosexuality was not a good thing.”
If those were your key issues you are right. The focal issues were jobs and economy....
I’m guessing the independents they were after didn’t focus on the social issues as much as the economic issues.
What would have been helpful was for surrogates to triangulate. The folks who lost the primary should have been campaigning for Republicans as well - meaning that they should have been funded.
LOL, being a conservative site, of course those issues are important, Romney was a lousy candidate, lousy on the issues, he hurt the ticket and was devastating for conservatism.
Mitt could not even beat Carter 2.
Considering that Romney has been anti-conservative his entire life, it isn’t surprising.
The failed Massachusetts governor, father of Romney/Obama care, who considered William Weld his mentor, and Reagan so right wing that he couldn’t vote for him, was the wrong man and in the wrong party.