Conservatives are opposed to illegal immigration.
Theres no such thing...
youre either an immigrant or youre not...
Conservatives are opposed to illegal aliens ...
People born in another country who come here are either legal aliens with an Alien Registration Card (green card) or they are illegal aliens...
Changing the language is just a sneaky way to give psuedo AMNESTY to 30 MILLION illegal aliens...
How often have you read headlines about “immigrants” without a clarifying word in front ???
Yeah its like that
I*llegal aliens tossed in with REAL immigrants...
Illegal aliens have nothing to do with IMMIGRATION...
Illegal aliens dont immigrate...
Illegal aliens break our sovereign laws by entering our country without PRIOR permission...
Immigrants do everything necessary required by our governnment PRIOR to entering...
They jump through every hoop...
Illegal aliens just jump over the fence...
Unfortunately, for many years, "our" government, including the courts, has been treating anybody who sneaks in as an "immigrant." There is a difference between the law as written and the law as practiced. "Our" government is not acting in good faith.