Karl Rove missed the opportunity to back a sound nominee.
Karl Rove trashed all but one possible nominee.
Karl Rove talked up the worst nominee until he was the nominee.
Karl Rove said he had the best chance of winning.
Karl Rove talked him up for six months after he had won the nomination.
He talked him up at the convention and on television and on radio and in newspaper commentaries.
Karl Rove said he was going to win right up until election day.
Karl Rove was in denial right up until 270 electoral votes were given to Obama on election night.
Karl Rove refused to admit he was wrong after that too, predicting states were going to flip, just wait and see.
Karl Rove has now explained what caused all this.
Karl Rove is now telling us what the best way forward is.
I don’t exactly know which path that is just yet, but Karl Rove won’t be on it.
Karl Rove, Andrew Card, Rinse Priebus, I am asking you now, please get out of politics. Give us a fighting chance. Go away. Don’t let me see your face on television again.
Bill Krystal and the rest of the talking heads who blur what Conservatism is, on national television. You too.
John Boehner, Mitch McConnel, the Bush family, it’s ends here.
On behalf of a grieving nation, thank you. Now go away and let us pick up the pieces of what your brilliance has ushered in.
It is time for a new beginning, only this time we’re not to figurative ask the same school system that failed our kids, to devise a new education plan.
It’s over folks. You had your day. Now let Conservatives have theirs. We sure as hell couldn’t do any worse. And for once we’ll be able to back someone we won’t have to sell our soul to back.
Let’s see what it’s like to install another person with true beliefs, sound Conservative ones.
Ronald Reagan himself would have lost this election, because they created the votes they needed out of thin air!
The evidence continues to pile up that the election was won the Chicago way. It was flat-out stolen. Thugs rule.
It is time for a new beginning, only this time we're not going to figuratively ask the same school system that failed our kids, to devise a new education plan. You have failed over and over and over again. ENOUGH!