Too many fine people stayed at home and turned their collective backs on this nation when she absolutely needed them most and now sit back and criticize the GOP for what went wrong. As a result of THEIR inaction ... this nation has fundamentally change because they did not heed the clarion call for protection. All I can say now is Shame on you! So what will happen when you finally get your PERFECT candidate next election ... will the other 3 million voters stay home because they don't like the flavor of the month? What will the history books say about this time of need?
This whole thing stinks to high heaven as far as I am concerned. This nation may have well gone down in defeat without a single shot being fired to protect her. All because of 3 million who would turn their backs because of their politics ... not seeing the need for the necessity of something called TEAMWORK which seems to be a strange foreign concept amongst conservatives!
What percentage of this 3m are Romney voters?