No, and the GOPe will not pursue voter fraud investigation/prosecution.
you are correct- the gop will never pursue it- because itr won’t do a damn bit of good to pursue it- the left lie cheat and steal and nothign ever gets done about it- our president goes to bed while 4 Americans are screaming for help and fightign for their lives, and nothing will ever be doen about it
Now, if the gop did what the left did in pa- they would be demanding that the election be put on hold until all the facts are known- and romeny would NOT be sworn in until this issue was beat to death by the left- and all the mainstream media would be playing hte ongoing ‘investigation’ right to the end every day all day-
The fact is that the left are evil, and apaprently most peopel in this country love evil leaders and will NEVER hold them accou8tnable for ANYTHING- but let a moral republican make a mistake, and thsoe that love evil seethe with anger and will do everythign in their power to destroy said person- and htey will have the full blessings of the press too-
Let’s face it0- Evil is the rule of the day- and we simply have to accept it
(Where is the tea party? Where are the wealthy donors to the tea party demanding investigations into votor fraud? Buying ad after ad accusing the left of voter fraud until; the main stream media is FORCED to cover the issue?
The GOP has lost hteir never for politics- they have lost their morality and decency as a whole- (Yes, there are still some who haven’t compromised and still call for investigations, but hteir voices get drowned out by the filibustering of the left)