What? You just stated the the liberal platform. How are we supposed to get people back to work if they are comfortable with their entitlements? You can't just keep spending money (on top of not bringing in enough to match) and expect things to get better.
They aren't comfortable with their entitlements. They want jobs, but we lowered our import tariffs and outsourced the jobs to China and other countries.
"You can't just keep spending money (on top of not bringing in enough to match) and expect things to get better."
No you can't. But the correct way to fix this is not cut out the safety nets and hope people find jobs that they couldn't find before. The right way is to create the conditions for the jobs to return to America which means restoring the protective tariffs that our founders put in place. Put Americans working for Americans instead of Chinese working for Americans and people won't be clinging to those safety nets any more.
That's not the liberal position. The liberal position is to supply the safety nets and do nothing to get the jobs back.
That's not Romney's position. Romney's position was to cut the safety nets and do nothing to get the jobs back. And to enter more free trade agreements which will outsource even more jobs.
That's DannyTN's position and it ought to be yours!!!