Posted on 11/06/2012 8:12:58 AM PST by mandaladon
Court-appointed Republican poll inspectors are being forcibly removed from voting stations in some Philadelphia wards and replaced in some cases by Democratic inspectors and even members of the Black Panthers, according to GOP officials.
Secrets just received this memo from GOP officials:
The Philadelphia GOP is reporting that court appointed Minority (read GOP) Inspectors are being thrown out of polling locations in several Wards.
These Inspectors are election officials - again, court appointed -- and are reportedly being thrown out by the Head Judges of Elections (these Judges are elected Democrats) and being replaced by Democrats.
This has happened at the following locations:
Ward 32, Div 13
Ward 43, Div 14
Ward 56, Div 1
Ward 56, Div 22
Ward 32, Div 28
Ward 32, Div 28
Ward 12, Div 17
Ward 39, Div 1
Ward 24, Div 9
Ward 18, Div 25
Ward 43, Div 14
Ward 29, Div 18
Ward 65, Div 19
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
word has it they were reinstated by judicial order and escorted by sheriff deputies. PA GOP looking like its not going to take crap for too long.
Just as I and many other posters here have said: the Dems intend to win by HOOK or by CROOK!
Who are the WIMPS walking out?!?!
Make them physically throw you out, and then have them arrested for asault!
...if you’re not man enough to kick some ass on the way....
arrogant,corrupt Democrat Party pushing the limits again;they are bullies who need to be slaped down hard!
This should have been anticipated in advance if they truly thought Romney could win PA. The effect has been made: there is a chance of physical harm to those working and voting in Philly if you are not a DEM.
Seems a waste for them to do this in places that are a cast iron lock for Obama.
You’d think they put their efforts into places where Obama needs help.
To all the leftists and DU lurkers spying on FR today...
In America,
you have the right
to vote
to take away our freedoms.
We then have the Constitutional duty
to take away your life.
And we carry that sacred duty
even if we are the minority;
especially, if we are the minority,
to preserve freedom for all future Americans.
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
You do not vote out tyrannical government, you throw off tyrannical government.
Good they’re being reinstated (maybe, it’s still cloudy whether or not the sheriffs have been successful), but the people committing these egregious acts need to be criminally prosecuted.
There are also irregularities with our college age son's absentee ballot. I personally mailed in the application, he received a ballot and mailed it in a week before it was due. The printout from the county shows no record of either the returned ballot or even the original ballot being issued to him. I spoke with the judge of elections, and she told me she's been seeing other irregularities with absentee ballots.
PA judge has ordered them back in. All is okay now.
PA is "in play" -- they do this so they can manufacture extra votes in Philly to tip the balance in a close statewide race. Plus, there's the Senate to consider.
“... the people committing these egregious acts need to be criminally prosecuted.”
By Whom? The DOJ? Holder stopped that last time.
We need Judge Dredd this time around.
Black Panties are also reported in Cleveland Ohio.
Probably more effective to intimidate Romney voters away from the polls in places where Obama is weak.
What exactly is a "poll inspector" and what are their duties?
How are poll inspectors appointed? Or can anybody show up and claim to be one?
What exactly are the Black Panthers trying to accomplish with these shenanigans? Are they impeding people's ability to vote as they choose?
This isn’t about intimidation, it’s about being able to create fake votes to pad the totals — this is Philly, home of the 105% election-day turnout.
It’s the principle of the thing-why should lawless thugs have the power to control polling places and intimidate voters? Because if it passes here with no push-back, it’s going to happen somewhere else. That’s the way the left has operated from its inception. There should be NO PLACE in America where a legal coter cannot exercise his right to vote for fear of intimidation, and it’s a shame to our republic that it has happened anywhere. This is the kind of stuff we USED to watch on TV in African elections, not in Philadelphia PA USA.
They probably bought enough time to stuff the ballot boxes for Zero
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