Mt Airy md, red county in MD. 100 in front of at 6:40.
Drove through Mt. Airy on Sunday (first time in almost twenty years, and went to MA middle school back in the 80’s)!
Voted at 640 with my husband in NJ, and no one was in line. Made smal talk with polling ladies about the ridiculousness of not needing to show ID (we recently moved and misplaced our voter ID’s, so a DL should have been required, I am sure we all agree). The ladies agreed, and said hopefully, next time...
My dear (politically ignorant) husband voted for O last time, but was straight ticket R this time. I told him we might get divorced if he didn’t, but he has seen the light over the last year, so not to worry.
Of course, now that NJ can vote via email or fax, I assume our votes were entirely wasted. I really think they did that because internal polling showed NJ was too close for dem comfort. SIgh. I am surrounded by nothing but RR signs and bumper stickers.