Posted on 11/04/2012 5:00:28 AM PST by rhema
Evangelicals love all of God's children, but on Tuesday, they must make a stand.
Should the moral conviction that marriage is a lifelong relationship between one man and one woman be put into the Constitution? This is a question faced by evangelical Christians, who overwhelmingly agree that this is God's desire for marriage.
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In "Why Marriage Matters," researchers conclude that "whether American society succeeds or fails in building a healthy marriage culture is clearly a matter of legitimate public concern."
Marriage is an important social institution, and healthy marriages can provide better outcomes for children, women and men. How you vote on the marriage amendment is an important public-policy decision that impacts children's lives, our schools, communities and social services.
As the evangelical network representing nine evangelical denominations and 160 churches, Transform Minnesota believes that evangelical Christians should vote "yes" for the marriage amendment, certainly because our faith informs what we believe marriage to be, but specifically because the evidence shows us that marriage is a public good of such great importance that it deserves to be defined in our Constitution. And as you vote, make a commitment to love, welcome and respect all people as human beings made in the image of God.
Raymond C. Kuntz is board chair and Carl H. Nelson is president and CEO of the evangelical association Transform Minnesota.
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What next ,,,, a man and his dog ?
When anything goes ,,,,, soon every thing is gone .
Marriage — male-female — is the foundation of civilization. Yet liberals and squish Republicans are ignoring and redefining marriage into nothingness. Homosexual marriage, shacking up, anything goes, they don’t care.
Has Mitt Romney ever mentioned the marriage issue, unprompted? Has he stood up for traditional marriage at any other occasion than at his speech at Falwell’s college in Virginia?
The Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled that the state had to allow gays to marry. Romney led the effort to get a Protection of Marriage amendment on the state ballot so that the citizens could overturn the court. The state legislature stalled on allowing the amendment, so Romney led a rally in Boston demanding that the people be allowed to vote on it. In the end, the Democrat legislature voted down the amendment and wouldnt allow it on the ballot.
Part of Romneys speech at the rally:
Legislators so energized to protect the newly discovered gay right to marry had no compunction about trammeling the long established, constitutional right of the people to vote.
The issue now before us is not whether same sex couples should marry. The issue before us today is whether 109 legislators will follow the Constitution.
Tomorrow, I will send these 109 a copy of the Constitution and of their oath of office.
And this week, we will file an action before the courts, calling upon the judiciary to protect the constitutional rights of our citizens.
Let us not see this state, which first established constitutional democracy, become the first to abandon it.
Mitt Romney’s 2006 Rally Against Gay Marriage
The lefts protest against Romneys Protection of Marriage amendment:
Rally Against Romney Bigot!
Freedom not Sodom!
There’s freedom in America, the land of the red white and blue;
but there still must be laws, things you just can’t do.
You can’t marry your sister, your brother, or the family pet;
a sheep, or a goat - at least not yet!
That how is it with homosexuality, what the Bible calls sodomy;
men lying with men as with women, is perversity!
That they’re not designed that way, tis easy to perceive,
but yielding to sinful desires, man is soon deceived.
A moral wrong is not a civil right; like the sin itself, that’s confusion;
calling evil good and exchanging light for darkness, is sure delusion!
History tells us where this will lead, from societies now in dust,
When a nation casts off the laws of God, and follows it’s own lusts.
Promoting a sin which sends one to Hell from an early grave,
dishonors God and robs man of the Life He gave.
There’s but one answer: the Risen Jesus gave Himself for our sins;
Repent and believe, then truly follow Him!
Gal. 6:18 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
Liberalism is contrary to democracy. See today,
It has been on 31 states ballots and 100% have gone down, does that discourage the 3%? hell no it is on another 4 states ballots this year too, one of them for the second time after it was defeated. These people do not give up, they will not go away.
I go with the Bible ,,,,,
WHAT WOULD JESUS SAY OR DO ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Yes, that is what we must seek to always do, but not the Jesus of revisionists.
Thanks. I’m glad to see that. I sure wish the referendum had been allowed to take place — assuming that the Massachusetts public have voted to keep traditional marriage.
As for this campaign, Romney has said virtually nothing about the marriage issue. Very unfortunate.
All that I care is that I have a right to leave a guy and his dog alone, and ignore them. In this issue, supposedly it’s offensive to ignore what they feel and what they do. The only equivalent I could ever think of would be if a Mormon man and woman said, “You must believe that our marriages are eternal, or our feelings are hurt.” Thankfully, they don’t, and it’s not as if I ever will. Wouldn’t that be rediculous?
Amen! I was referring to the “new improved” synthetic Jesus invoked most by the Left.
Speaking as a seminary student, either all churches should be completely tax exempt no matter what, or all churches should pay taxes. The ‘tax exempt status’ is nothing more than a lever that the government uses to try to control Christians.
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