There does seem to be some tightening of the Indy vote the last week. This is across several polls, including RAS. Whether it is the hurricane or just the normal tightening of the race, I dont know.
I still believe Romney will with 53-47, due to massive GOTV. But I dont think we can discount the Indy vote dynamics. The problem with the hurricane from an election perspective, is will it impact the vote. Or is it just impacting the polling?
Thank you for being at least reasonable in responding to my worries about this so-called collapse among indies with Romney.
John who?
I do believe there has been a small bump for Obama among independents because of the hurricane. Call it a “rally around the President in times of trouble bump”. I expect that as the misery sets in (re the hurricane), and as independents refocus on jobs and the economy as Tuuesday draws nearer the bump will evaporate.