Makes sense, the most heathen state in the union.
Not to self: Stay the hell away from WA.
I wish they would have done this with Abortion. We would only have about 10 states having abortion legal instead of 50. And that would have resulted in less abortions. Anyway, I wonder how Maryland will turn out on this issue....They also have a casino question, illegal alien getting in-state tuition (Governor Perry loved this one) and some others that I forgot but those are the three biggies.
Gee. Some surprise.
How about repealing all laws? Then there wouldn’t be any crime.
I’ve been hoping one of the pro pervert canvassers would show up at my door or call me. Unfortunately I live in the PRS (Peoples Republic of Seattle) so I don’t think they will bother.
Great this nation is falling apart and collapsing and all they think of Anal Sex Marriage.
Golly, I’m glad that I moved away from there.
If you have not voted on R-74 yet, a proposition that would turn the definition of marriage on its head, stop and think about it.
Biology 101. Our bodies, no matter what our mind says, are heterosexual. Every fiber of our being, our DNA is male or female. This fact is not made more or less true depending on what we feel or who we love. Human beings were designed physically to be with the opposite sex. Our ability to procreate is heterosexual. We should understand this as plainly as we understand that food goes in to our mouth and not our ear.
Love Doesnt Make It Right. Love can not be our litmus test for right or wrong. For normal or abnormal. There are a lot of sexual perversions out there and homosexuality is just one of them. If simply having a sexual urge makes it normal then pedophiles are normal. Putting a white picket fence around sexual perversions wont make them normal or right. It wont limit the harm they cause to the individual and to society. Young people who struggle with homosexuality need to hear from grown ups who can say I love you, but dont go down that road.
The Origin of NICE. In Middle English nice meant foolish. In Anglo-French, it meant silly, simple. In Latin it meant ignorant, or not to know. When it comes to people be compassionate. But dont be nice about the politics of homosexuality. It is the battering ram that is being used to destroy the family and the Church. An anarchy of the mind and body that would inflict that chaos on society, on our children. Dont let it happen. Stand firm in your defense of the family, of marriage, of right and wrong. Take a stand on Tuesday and reject R-74.
Linda Jordan