Working in the fields was how I made money when I was a
kid. Cutting shatter cane, velvet leaf, pigweed, etc.
from grain sorghum and soybeans. Hard, hot work, but I
made good money doing it. Wouldn’t trade the experience
for much else.
What's were PAID?? I begged to walk beans when I was a little girl, because the "crew" that we had was comprised of the local high school cheerleaders. I thought I was just the coolest seven year old on the planet spending the day with them...had my very own machete...people would just croak right over if they saw that now.
Then, having realized that everyone else was being paid, I went through many years of "the roof over your head" thing. Dad did start paying me when I gathered a crew of my friends; by then we were riding & spraying...much easier work...but a less even suntan!