Posted on 10/31/2012 3:05:02 PM PDT by indianrightwinger
SUBJECT: Conservative Case Against "Charter School" Amendment
I am a fan of our local Milton representatives in the Georgia legislature and their passion to reform public K-12 schools. School choice, competition and other reforms are long overdue, and more "funding" for status quo won't solve anything.
Having said that, no conservative leaning voter who believes in local control and real reforms should be voting for the proposed constitutional amendment on charter schools. It is fundamentally against principles of conservatism. State government take over of decisions away from "elected" local school boards is just wrong, no matter the stakes.
While defeating this amendment will delay school reform, it is no reason to concede on core principles and let the State government grab more power away from us. Let us live and fight another day for real reform.
I voted early, and I voted no. Please do the same.
The best way to fund private schools is to let parents deduct the price they pay in tuition against the taxes that fund schools.
Ultimately the federal govt. should stay out of public education, it is a state responsibility NOT a federal one.
If they want standards each state can send an education rep from each state to meet in washing for a week every 2-4 years to set them but THAT is the ABSOLUTE LIMIT on what the fed involvement should be.
Keep federal money AWAY from state education!
State Money = State Control!
There is no such thing as “State Money” either. It is people’s money. Local choice, local control, local decisions!
There is no such thing as State Money either. It is peoples money. Local choice, local control, local decisions!
Clarification: The PEOPLES money for education should never go through the national capital on it’s way back to the state, it should never go through the state capital for local education either, the furthest it should go through is the county seat!
Freedom is the only legitimate goal for conservatives. Replace government schools with freedom.
So, I don't get upset that Charter Schools are regulated by the State government rather than worthless local "elected" school boards. If Charter Schools create more freedom, I'm for it.
your no vote guarantees that unions will continue to control the schools. From your desire for purity you miss the idea of half a loaf....
Conservative Georgia voter here voting for the amendment. This is about more school choice for kids - those who oppose are interested in more money for their failing schools.
The teacher’s union says “vote no”... so I am going to vote yes.
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