Unfortunately we will see his approval start rising bc of his storm response. This could be bad for R.. I hope that is not the case though.. Frick I wish it was a week from today already
That`s a potential problem for us... while Romney has to stand aside, Obama gets free air time surveying damage and looking “presidential.” He (0bama) doesn`t have to campaign.. the official appearances fill the gap.
I like that the Romney campaign is assisting with relief efforts, though. Of course, the Obama ministry of propaganda, AKA the “media,” won`t go near that one, though. It`d disrupt the narrative that Romney is a soulless, heartless hater of common people.
Hogwash. His response to the storm is to watch from the White House. He will get no “bump” from the storm.
What storm response? That he is sitting in the White House looking like the doofus that he is?
Minds are made up. Now it's just a matter of getting everybody to the polls.
Second, pollsters such as Gallup have actually ceased polling (for at least one day) because of the disruptions. ANY poll that comes out now will have a severely tainted sample. If it took 1000 calls to get one respondent before, think of the number it will take now.
Barry is stuck. Nothing he can do will save him.
What response? This was his "response" from Rush:
He might get a small one or two day bounce from the 2% of voters who are still undecided, but the last four years of his unprecedented incompetency and destructive handling of the US economy cannot be erased by any short term event - no matter how dramatic.
Romney's lead has remained very consistent, and is (evidently) even growing, as the pollsters begin to inject more honesty into their work. They can't risk massaging the polls any longer, as to do so risks getting it wrong on election day, thereby blowing their credibility for the next election.
There's just far too much ground for Obama to make up now. With only a week left, the odds of him doing so are insurmountable. The vast majority of voters have already made up their minds, and will not be swayed. By all indications, a majority of them will be voting to give Romney a chance at the job.
Reading today’s headlines, I have a feeling that whatever bump Obama gets from Sandy will go away after the weekend.