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BULLSHYTE! Romney’s leading all the internals, and he’ll win comfortably. Should’ve added a barf alert.
Where should an incumbent who expects to be re-elected be in Ohio at this point? Something tells me tied isn’t the place.
So what should I do? Choose pessimism and not optimism? Wring my hands? Cry like a baby? Slit my wrists? Drink? Strangle a liberal? Sell my house and give all the proceeds to Romney?
Seriously. Why the eff are you posting this rot? What’s the point?
So this is basically propaganda based on other propaganda.
Mon Oct 01 2012 07:47:21 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) · 41 of 64
nwrep to Happy Rain
I think it is a smart move, motivated, as you say, by Realpolitik. The Presidential race seems all but lost, unless R&R can turn it around in the last 4 weeks, which seems increasingly unlikely. Hence, we need to do all we can to keep the House and win the Senate to blunt the edge of 0s 2nd term.
Suffolk and Rasmussen have this tied at 47. The POS POTUS can’t even crack 50 in most of these polls that are using a 2008 voter turnout model.
Yeah. We don't need Ohio.
Nate Silver’s analyses: Garbage in, garbage out. I only believe Rasmussen when it comes to the state polls (and national, too, for that matter). Call me naive or too optimistic, but last I checked Ras has OH tied at 48%, and I also don’t get the sense R&R are panicked about ANYTHING right now. People should ignore this thread.
OH polls from Friday ranged from Romney +21 with indies to Obama +9. Rasmussen has it almost even I believe ? The question is whether indies are moving to Obama or not ? Are they making an effort to report as independents in the polls? If they are trending to O the only thing I can think of is the Mourdock and Akin comments being heavily exploited by the O campaign and having an effect. Hope I’m wrong.
Really? I went through the blog paragraph by paragraph and chart by chart and I could not find any.
What I found was some lefty whistling past the graveyard. Not at a single location did I see the blogger examining the poll internals. He just accepts the various poll results on their face despite the fact that we know that they have serious problems with their methodologies that cast doubts on the overall announced results in many cases.
This is especially true with the Ohio polls which ALL assume totally unrealistic turnout models.
While I agree with the poster's caution against overconfidence, the picture this blogger creates is nothing but wishful thinking on his part.
These links lead to more realistic analyses:
I think 538 is whistling past the graveyard. Click below for some analyses and facts that run directly contrary to Silver’s argument:
Somali power! LOL
Friggin Court Jesters....
I have it the other way for R&R
Adrian Gray:
Out to dinner last night with a couple who were told by a strong source, the Romney internals are terrific, including Ohio. Sure hope so.
And THEY recognize the undocumented impostor for
the lying Communist vermin that he is.